
Showing posts from May, 2019

Tech law going forward

@aibot @Google #ethicaltech If a law establishing a site or servers virtual world as real property,  than real property rights must be used which include etc riparian rights and easements, cc&r's, trespassing + If personal property than my question is, is it illegal to touch a strangers car n where is it illegal , private property personal property &/or gov/public property? Than take answer and apply to tech ai data +, also is intellectual property, since hackers prosecuted for snooping or going past fences that do not harm anyone but rather annoyance of the wrong guy is the crime, is the time of punitive entitlement to grant prosecution also entitle others to ask for crime of annoyance due to trolls walking on my land or entering my car ? But if intellectual property was established with patent property type of rights, than the virtual or imagination realm developed by an individual and business is done in such a place, it becomes a right to refuse service argument and Fac