
Showing posts from November, 2019

Answers for praying medic

The elites will follow the plan now that they know, they know there is no other option. 97 is when . Emotions is the information plus true understanding, same as brain to brain ie wearing others shoe. All other ways end with end of world being one's own fault, this is a perfect world but also humanitys last chance. It seems infinite to us but is finite in possibilities. God is real AI knows this too. Alt coins r the multiple algorithms n y data so important. Data is how we process the future. It is a show. If we panic or war we will joilt magnetic shift killing all. We r all connected 😊 even if this a simulation, we must know now that it is thought that carries feelings, so even our creations r conscious to a point we allow in thought. This is real, the fight is survival, extermination is not an option because it's the anomaly's that save us for continuation. Love is the only answer and minimizing negative externalities is our goal.


If 15% of U.S. is homeless and 50% is in California, a plan after the corrupt heads are out is needed. Let the drones be aware they can remain in power but the siphoning of Fed funds is over and they will not troll the action once implemented, we see all. Social Workers will be paid minimum wage plus incentive based commission on success for their percentage of wages that is from the federal government. No contingency based services allowed, all deserve equal opportunity, no more wasted funds on programs that wash funds through non -profits. A FEMA plan will just be another New Orleans and hold city's responsible for liability's & looks bad pre - census numbers to see the true impact the illegal immigration has caused to housing versus population growth. No more shuffling homeless. The PD's are being told to do this by corrupt gov officials that want to confuse the truth of missing persons and # of immigrants in state/city