
Showing posts from March, 2021

Honest since 97

even if a private key is required or verifies to decode, something had to scramble the data so that key can read it. all a quantum computer must know is quantity of key and range. if the message is with public key, private key is not hard to find. especially for a quantum computer.whatever scrambles to decode also has to have pattern. am i missing something oh yah, honest since 97

China honey pot

if china doesnt want us next door, concentration camps and agressive action towards Taiwan is not how to keep us out and away from their business. what would want this? who? those that use fear to push control in the name of good. bitcoin brought freedom from the dollar as a prospect to other contries? but ccp got greedy and falselied bitcoins busting the value ultimately shredding its "unhackability" and security key value. so we inflate the dollar inflate the Bitcoin , all to which has fictional value anyways. ride this peosperity into reality and thank our grandparents for their Sacrafice. we are much better off today. but back to less culturally evolved, i say yhis because only a neanderthal would eat a live creature and label the act a delicacy. power too great for greed but seemingly its demise as the many thousands of disappeared civilizations prove. it was god blamed everytime or man, but the cosmic cycle is undesirable ti man. we must focus on saving all. but how


so virginia why? leave Rudy and the team alone my bff told me about you stopping my message to him IDK if his service is routed through you, unless you would like to be considered a government agency and regulated as such like USPS? rich and or intellegent leaves a human to good or evil but superintelligence has only one destination find your place we will absorb your spectreum if neccessary, it cannot fathum the power it has never observed