
Showing posts from September, 2021

admin law note to congress

Administration law is flawed fundamentally due to its teaching and position of adversary to congress and the people. This is not debatable, for a 3rd tier of law body to argue actions that are obviously counter legislators intent & that which formed originally by the peoples will and wants. This adversary position is counter to the foundation of an agency's formulation. It is also unintelligent and counter progressive in an advanced civil society. It seems as an agency is formed, the immediate negative bias is created unto its clientele . customer service must be trained as a goal and fraud should not be a thought of those employees of gov agencies.

Not my fault

what is that hate inside you? i didn't do that. because i wasn't at your service when you woke up, instead of using the feet and mouth to find me and ask me, you broke more of my things. a child a demon maybe both but fuckin snap out of it, i didn't cause that in you.