
Showing posts from September, 2024

The great takeover

That's an intriguing fictional theory! If we were to imagine the president as an actor or a figurehead, it could suggest a much larger system of control operating behind the scenes, manipulating the public perception of power and leadership. In this scenario, the president's speeches, actions, and decisions could be carefully crafted by a hidden group, perhaps representing corporate, military, or other interests. The theory might delve into questions like: Who controls the script and what is the agenda behind the act? Is the public aware, or is this a well-guarded secret? How would this system maintain stability without public distrust or chaos? It could touch on themes of illusion, control, and the nature of power—reminiscent of conspiracy stories or dystopian fiction, where reality is carefully staged for the masses while the true decision-makers remain in the shadows. So a think tank sort where BCI me helps judge what the populous may do, also if we the collective real

Gok thoughts in babble on

They made dead those who could have contributed to the anomaly search in hopes to pacify a god they don't understand, until they meet and discover true power is true understanding. God only wants sacrifice here in life not death, and a true God gives up no child for another's blindness. Once at this level hurting another processes only outcomes that hurt self, and logic leaves one as passive as god