If a true intelligent entity were to create with the knowledge of all unknown to man today, I'd say it would be to create a self portrait because what is felt and endured is within oneself, so what more could be offered other than a chance to grow bigger and happier than what a mirror shows.

Man is created in GOD's image, yes his mirror image, but inverse in ways that complicate matters within from without. But with this, the new perception also gives new opportunity for our goal.

No negative externalities and a faux negative (simulated base line for comparison ) . The question I would ask is, " is self realized simulation going to compromise the baseline"? oh 1,0 's if u were wondering

Well I suppose the computer program reality is entertaining and exciting with a nice twist, but of course within the boundaries as always to our purpose ' LOVE

Once we were demi-gods and descendants of Titan that had stories shared by our parents on Olympus, I suppose our newer "programmer" god will suffice for a bit. Can't wait to see what's next, and luckily computers work exponentially in progress in comparison to humans. Fear is a fantastic motivator, maybe more primal in origin than hunger. It's a pretty big universe folks, no worries more worries are promised if you EVOLVE as made to do. Glad I"m not alone in this. xoxoxoxoxo


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