Since I could remember, a heartache would leave me crying to the stars " I just wanna go home". By the 3rd grade I had read the complete Encyclopedia, was inventing and creating, had been tested for gifted programs, and was consumed by the unknown. I never fully fit into any social class or race class, female dominated Jane Fonda and Dynasty household and was the nominated male role ( connected all electronics and such), and loved animals much more than people. I have been told as a baby I fell off my grandma's balcony and missed the table by 1 inch, have cracked my head open multiple times in addition to the dog bite on my temple and who knows how many softballs to the forehead. I do believe these head injury's early on caused my developing brain to make connections in different ways than normal humans. Never lacked intelligence school wise in comparison to others, but of course that's something never to be known of true intellectual potential had it not occurred (earth tone QPpeeps).
When I was 18, the day was on or around July 4th, rover touched Mars and so did I. Details spared because Holy Shit, literally, but in our current state you can say I served as a processor for GOD. I saw and felt every possible way our world could exist, and watched and felt each one end, at my hand. I concluded this world was perfect, no other ways were "better", that I could see. I sure as hell stopped asking GOD the "why" (cause I get answered lol). Speaking of the bossman, He has came to me in dreams twice. He was black eyes and mouth first in the sun then the moon. I was told to run the other way, which meant in dream, of the line of people walking through the parted ocean than the floods that left me in snowy mountains. My 4th of July event was not GOD induced, although it tried to come in me that way, I sometimes think my NASA DARPA neighbors put something in my water being Silicon Valley n all. I have found studies, but shoot I can find evidence of whatever I chose to believe when I look, right.... So, let's just say I'm a plethera of useless knowledge. But one thing that changed from all I saw is I have the "Power of Understanding" now. I cannot see one die without feeling it or cause intentional harm without instant failure and damnation of my soul. I know too much. So, with this, ask away, apparently the world and my kids future world need my now more than now does.


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