Prayer for our State, In a country built on unity, what better way to destroy it than by abolishing the foundational family structure itself? I wondered why we preach and condemn bullying in schools, and do it amongst our own, after we swear to protect them. Nothing new in history, my wise ears, but we assumed man has evolved far beyond this adolescent being, or had hoped. I am not by any means a martyr, I was forced onto this battlefield of Good v. Blind, literally, and now am obligated to help resolve the issue for mere good conscious representing the innocent. My children, statistically, are far from danger, in comparison to many others, class and race not discriminating. Authority, Law and Structure ensures chaos from prevailing, but has not been used to train those within it. I have been told by the Sheriff's themselves “ to be careful”, they themselves too scared to enforce the laws they are entrusted and employed to enforce. CPS has become such an issue that people either fear, wisely so, or ignore the beast it has become for lack of common solution. I can help, everyone. To Whom Concerned; -Give me the financial anticipatory loss amount which is preventing the necessary reform. I WILL find a positive substitute income for you, privately if need be. -Let me incorporate a 3rd party rep, prior to any child’s removal, for second opinion, to protect both parties. -I will help this company aka public entity restore its core values, bring pride to your reps aka Social Workers, and help establish quantified Lawful verifiable standards for reference. -With this and more, I promise to show those who need the sight, there is a way to make us all win together. Remember, the only reason we are here is for love, self or external, yet none compares to love for our children. They are our future and eternity, and the biggest cause for rebellion if any exists. I am surprised CPS has not caused more than a 2 day news report thus far. I ask no compensation for my assistance in this, it has become my duty to resolve. I do not need attention or social justification to accomplish this task. I have eternal Faith in Your Honors, being granted such powers by God, burdened by the fate of others at your will, so it is Good Will that rules you within. The people making judgement calls are far from judges, and it has gotten out of hand. No class or industry is safe now. Help me save our nation from its own destruction, externally we cannot weaken our appearance, that would destroy us. Sincerely, GODDESSOFKRATOS@GMAIL.COM


  1. 1 year ago i sent this to every supreme court judge state and fed, soon after to CA senators generals DA's and more, most importantly to Trump, he has truly saved America!!!!!!


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