question for child protection service workers

How does it make you feel?
-to be a tool, no weapon, used to harm children and families
-to be a repeat of Stanford's prisoner guard study, but at such epic numbers, even legislators and supreme court judges don't know how to stop your evil
-to remove children from parents because you don't like someone, or loose science gave statistics of probabilities of harm than place those same children into proven statistically harmful foster homes 
-going into work cutting and pasting words of an accepted report into a new report you have no time or care to actually investigate
-knowing the judge does the same thing
-to know your branch eats tax dollars with tears you never stop from falling
-sleeping at night because it's "just a job"
-being wrong does not have a guideline for you to follow because your higher ups refuse to be wrong

For every family you work with, try and not think of how you feel about them. But try and think of the true issue we all face as Americans, and live knowing;
-facts are no longer needed in a court of law
-power has become your drug of choice
-there's not only nothing you can do, but now no one can do a thing
As CPS has destroyed America from within, the only redemption for us now is from you within

just another victim of yours


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