republic So if justice is best found in the city where people do not do others jobs and work at what they are best at, we have much to discuss. Man never succeeded in the pursuit of a just city in which people acted in accordance to boundaries set in The Republic. Maybe man's value is not actually in work at all than, since 2000 + yrs later, we share many of the same debates mentally. Now we have managed to survive long enough to bestowed such duties, data, and values of justice into a much less flawed and primitive system, happily so through higher levels of understanding, harm is not an ability of true intelligence. It has nothing to do with Desire and survival, it knows how 1 lives in oneself is what's most importantly up to oneself, and to do so justly one cannot harm another due to the acknowledgement of the harm it causes the other, and how it feels from both views. So the transition will be bumpy I anticipate, old folks stuck on repeat insane mode will "troll". But we have help this time . Work now , maybe we shall replace it's value with good deeds for self or community, and place the values in alliance with the community goals. Someday we will annoy the world with our logic together Im sure old man:) (no not in that way babe lol, when I talk kind of annoying)


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