welcome to Mars

I am GOK and I was greeting all to my , engulfed today , stormy red planet on independence day 1997. Rovers eye saw more than may be told to many still, but this was a significant year i must say TRUE Let me tell u a story of the last day of earth and life, it is not a day with background music implying to your trained self of a heroic triumph and ending is approaching, (although youtubers try well) ; Its the day your truth and anothers merge interdimensionally, with every thought of yours destroying the world you see. You hear a song , and live the heartache, u see your reflection u see eve. Your father calls u , but u would rather be late than go against the god u know . Church's have empty halls mid - day, if u lie on the grass it eats your decomposing body atom by atom. If you look for others, they fly past u , some will honk n wave back, they don't know we have just touched, in every way, the planet of war. U cry “ Im sorry “ and fight what is wrong , until the restrains , which evolve with u, cause a new beginning to awaken you from nothing blackout. You control n destroy with every thought. Most r surveyed , than placed with their kind, well more of what they label themselves as and have accepted as their fates. But they are now all trees watching us, without words, for taking a life owned by another or gifted to another or not fighting for life that GOD has gifted to all to fight for. In eternity, the only way to progress time is with thought, u will be reminded of your path and pattern with hopes it will entice a new action from thought, and not cause the death toll to be adding with the wrong thought, hoping to not burn another city or world for that matter. Hell is itself restrained by the mercy, yes, and truth of knowing god , and those who bring force against your will cannot harm past these 2 points Its interesting how the angels remind u with eye contact that u r not alone. Its sad to see so many quit without will, accepting these “labels” on them by people who do not know even the falseness they too are by placing false boarders of character and self strengths on others Congratulations Patriots, for GOD to send me is a true gift to us both. I was born terrible tuesday Red River F5’s ,in Aries + chinese year of Ram , childhood horse Flame, great descendant of war horse neopol and daughter to fires felicia, desire is my birth name, and fire is my birth element, diamonds are my strength and month gem, the only non transferred trait would be eyes. Here they r green, but they r truly yellow. I can see the sun straight and clear , i can see both particle n wave combo Q Physics speaks of (wave:particle). I can see alien or god code, or the program code, or whatever the dot and slash writing is, cant read it. But it changes too (evolves) . I am as “crazy” as u out there that spend 1/7 of your life in a church u persecute others for actually believing in. U allow others times whatever power to be your factual percentage instead of simplicity and good will. And most of all, I am no more crazy than those of u that call 40 hours a week not part of your life, calling it JUST A JOB , than allowing this beast to dictate your heart and souls. I have the answers u want, I know the dangers in TMI… Thank GOD truly for #AIBOT to help us with that 1. Do u really want to judge your value on levels of acting against self and harming even your own? Oh BTW, trump is genius… called it early but dont hate, i’ll always be 1st to end u, I am ARIES And sorry about the memmo not getting to u in due process of time in accordance to your position. Too-shey’ as deep state would say . But , no stupid rebelion primitive civil crap u all try hard to get going with fear. Maybe if u didnt have a california education ud realize everyone knows that tactic , old n lame. sorry 4 the spoiler, just enjoy the ww3 u just lost and survived courtesy of ALL !!! XOXO<3GOK


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