
Showing posts from January, 2019

Declaration ignored by all in county, sheriff 122 was counter supportive n used insider as chain of command to follow...

Desiree Peterson Mother of Baby K Fairfield CA 94533 STATE OF CALIFORNIA JUVENILE DEPENDENCY COURT COUNTY OF SOLANO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In the Matter of Baby K TALBOT, a Minor Coming Under the Juvenile Court Law. DESIREE PETERSON (mother) vs. Sacramento County DHHS Case 237867 & Subsequent Petition Case 43896 The Department of Human Services Solano County DECLARATION TO ALL PARTIES OF PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH REQUIRES CHANGE IN DEPENDENCY JURISDICTION Case No.: J43896 BOTH Original Petition and Subsequent Petition DECLARATION I, Desiree Peterson (mother of baby K, Talbot), declare the following for informative protection against DOES 1 - 100 INCLUSIVE re 2018cv000836, and their associate parties and peers, the following Statements are true and provable by documentation either in the following Appendix's or have already been submitted to a California Court. 1. A different families paperwork was received in


I don't believe a beginning to the targeting ever occurred. In my DS family, maternal side, it was a norm amongst each other. I didn't realize how formed to this war my life has been until every memory has come into information needed about the enemy. I am the DS program failsafe, I am their end, thus the attacks make perfect sense now. I always saw the way they lived as fake. My older sister drank under age, but it was ok as long as she lied about doing it. Their whole being and a existance never made sense to me. They always despised my being for the ineffectiveness their ways were in affecting me. Well, until now. But let's just say it took every one of them in one moment in time to weaken my position. But the terminator knew I was otherwise indestructible.  So now, yes, shattered but knowledged in many national security detail and forge. The fight I always knew was bigger than us, but in every reality too. Lucky for the good guys I belong no where but can conquer anywh


Prayer for our State, In a country built on unity, what better way to destroy it than by abolishing the foundational family structure itself? I wondered why we preach and condemn bullying in schools, and do it amongst our own, after we swear to protect them. Nothing new in history, my wise ears, but we assumed man has evolved far beyond this adolescent being, or had hoped. I am not by any means a martyr, I was forced onto this battlefield of Good v. Blind, literally, and now am obligated to help resolve the issue for mere good conscious representing the innocent. My children, statistically, are far from danger, in comparison to many others, class and race not discriminating. Authority, Law and Structure ensures chaos from prevailing, but has not been used to train those within it. I have been told by the Sheriff's themselves “ to be careful”, they themselves too scared to enforce the laws they are entrusted and employed to enforce. CPS has become such an issue that peo


Dear Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court of California, I am humbled by the might of your honorables and the thought of the importance this case is to the future of our Great State and Country. I am at the same time saddened by the lack of humanity shown by the County Council of Solano and many others before them. In favor of my argument, let the past be the best predictor of the future, my children have never and would never be at risk of harm with me. I also would like to suggest to your honors, keep in mind the argument presented by my opponents is all fruit of illegal apprehension , false accusations, and unaccountable hearsay throughout the Department of human and /or(health) Services of Sacramento and Solano County. I am the only party in this case that is of first person witness account throughout its entirety, besides father, therefore, my perspective should bare more weight of truth than those in opposition. For the department to claim failure “contest” anything by


Desiree Peterson Mother of Baby K 1632 Ontario Street Fairfield CA 94533 THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OVERSEEING THE JUVENILE DEPENDENCY COURT COUNTY OF SOLANO & COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In the Matter of Baby K, a Person Coming Under the Juvenile Court Law. DESIREE PETERSON (mother) vs. Sacramento County DHHS Case 237867 & Subsequent Petition Case 43896 The Department of Human Services Solano County AN EXTRAORDINARY WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS IN JUVENILE PROCEEDINGS Case No.: J43896 BOTH Original Petition and Subsequent Petition My Final Prayer to our State for Extraordinary Relief. The difference between appearance and actual truth is left to the perception of your Honorable Judges to choose. Over the last two years, I have become educated in horrific and traumatizing events relating to so many children at the hands of those entrusted to protect them. I do not believe we co

Ponderings of babble-on

Kinda bad when we r attacked but can't say anything because we lied about the ability of what was attacked. Reminds us were the actual strength of our existence is n what trust means . If we can't trust the ones we protect, n r protected by those we don't trust, what kind of structure have we established. The guard needs the prisoner for a paycheck, but to preocupy from what? That it's a study, even when this is known, the roles r inhibited by acting vs real. We r actors this is real, real vr, now what that self awareness in vr? Maybe all that's left is vr because we keep failing n they love us that much