yesterday was the 3rd time I was assaulted from behind on the top of my head. even my best friend suggested somehow this was my fault because of the crowd I hang out with. truth is I have no crowd. I have been trying to save this country from the impending doom that can occur if we don't do this one right, and in order to do this I have to talk to people. I talk to everyone, and I have no social structural hierarchical biases most are flawed with. I did not deserve to be assaulted, any of these times, and this includes the assault on me by the Sacramento Sheriff's Deputy's on January 20th 2017 that formed a bias based on ill training and a corrupt North Patrol person and a corrupt internal investigations oversight. Had your department stepped in and arrested those criminals that destroyed my family, Stephan Clark may be alive still, the protester Sacramento Sheriff's hit and ran would not have injury's, elderly abuse may have been prevented, and a 16 year old may not have been molested by the exact same deputy that broke into my home and lied. In your speech, I did not hear why police are committing suicide. Could it be they cant live with a truth and have no one to turn to? So you bless these poor future targets with a Socialist Worker! So this concludes me to this thought, because of the parallels, good people do not stay in bad jobs, and an evolution similar to dog breeding occurs to the culture of an industry. You may attract good people, but you will never retain them unless you give them a safe whistle blower outlet such as a 3rd party oversight that doesn't know any of you on a personal level. You say the Department is bi-partisan, but it's not. It's created its own political party that is ruled by a majority popularity similar to high-school and our current democrats. Until the Department aligned itself with the people first as equal citizens as police ect., the Department is nothing but a powerful bully with a fake face of good and the uniforms, as history shows, will become nothing but burnt cloth at the end. If you really care about your Department, this country, and the good people trying to work for the Law, you will correct your plan to not align with popularity and align with what is RIGHT.


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