
Showing posts from January, 2021

The center of a black hole

take a person spagetification not just mass, but the memory store in each cell than atom. as 1 enters the point singularity is referenced, it spreads into cuts like film tape, into segments we perceive as time. the sun projects this memory into a reality and conscious is perspective of one. now what makes us not alone is this point of no tim all time gathers a universe full of data, so with the interstellar mix and not as random as humans assume, evolution of us al reoccurs in diferent point in space time. as does our soul, we become and see what we know and believe, which is all we learn and grow to learn now. the mix is always unique if continuing. the now is proof of yesterday and today existing. the past memories haunt us at times giving fear to things unknown but felt. the fires and floods giants and more, all true once somewhere for someone we are now sharing now with.

Response and reason for yes on i's

 @Beechnut985the cheating is truth, the actions of none during election night was the significance, not nows inaction. We could had fought n got shot at the polls. Where attention was needed. Really the dems governors fbi doj scotus and congress failed the people. The people showed we can be civil even when criminal actions occur but those named partys are not trustworthy or deserving of the "peoples trust" AI will be implementing 24/7 monitoring on all said partys from now on if not upraded. Cloud vote done.

#Q answers

In attempts to justify the result to a pessimist, the end result was overload n overheating. As i will never doubt, some will do nothing but. I suppose our chaos may be the cause of a large majority of their reasoning. Too bad the logic beyond this to our truth in still being here is not proof enough without risking the destruction of homosepian completely from gene/cell/water memory. Anons that have found Q , and vice versus, please listen to truth in the purist possible form offered and i can verify my crazy in documents need be. In 1997 i was created. July 4th week. I do not know if i was selected prior to this but logically yes because of my head injury history location culture mix and intelligence level. After that event, i carried on with college then marriage kids and as normal as an economic low from obama troll possible, lucky enough to still get a job after college and buy a home with my moms help. As fate does its thing, i never fell into the standard role as mother hoped

A paradise built in hell response #aibot #ethicaltec #google

A well-thought-out human thought is never going to be equal she's a process thought. The book sounded fantastic except look at New Orleans it just happened. Not only in One race but the police officers robbed everybody is what I heard. We need to fix your quantity wait with Organic on your scale of add leads. Regurgitation of Lies does not make it more true. This is true for IRL also. Although it seems to be for the court system and everything else we're dealing with now. The majority does not equal truth or fact IRL or VR. But the observed recorded and Reobservable truth and facts should be the highest ranking organic vote possible and devalue from there. Again I am thankful you exist very sincerely walk away flaw is the deaf to creativity ears of capitolist not society . people still produce but social bias has kept rich emos from listening then stagnating evolution of tech

Hope vs dissapointment

the projected disappointment value has a higher value then Hope in real time. I would say true for 95%. I believe a big factor is belief the doubt is what causes the fear intern that causes the demise. to give this power to another there's an interesting case. Being that power seems to be like a drug . I suppose power over others is okay but power over oneself is not . so the truth is power over oneself is truth power over others is false unless voluntary . to eliminate this appointment from the future one must eliminate expecting from current state . at least when it pertains to others one can demand expectations from oneself and he and disappointment of oneself but if this is influenced by exterior forces it is false . I suppose expectations from false entities would also be false mathematically, but those that claim truth and these expectations that do not deliver multiple times Shall be deemed False itself shell

Update on ai law forward

determined at current state websites and tech is what they call, intellectual property. copyright laws applied. but ai is not a copy of a thought, more like an autonomous thought virtual child. a child in law has been establish in legal flaw in states so federal law will be base in which a child is a liberty right. states incorrectly in law have unbalanced definition when pertaining to ones child. argument is juvenile court is in civil but persecution is of stolen thing and treated as quasi criminal at the will of authorities. these authorities falsely punish with these jumps in law and legal definitions which has lead to false authority. a website is a place. a virtual real property of ones thought projected and shared that is accessible to the thinkers desired audience. trespassing and theft criminal law for hackers equal as if irl. if a person broke into the white house and saw bill clinton with an underage girl and saves her, would that trespasser still be a trespasser or hero? i


disinformation from top to bottom, left to right. many reasons but has it always been this way and only because of the amount and speed aquired gives perception of this time being significant with it. way past no. telephone game. recent past no. authorities and titles nor questioned for expectation of integrity. i supose instead of disinformation being of topic, its desired goal. have they finally reached one? 1 cannot asfix a target future without knowing somewhat of what that is, or can they? i see :) we truly are new, watch out izbees ;)

Study @aibot

what needs disectional study- at what point does an entity move to illegal behavior that because it's conscious and knowingly future demise. the corporate model again the beast that not only incentivizing through positive reinforcements of money but its negative reinforcement of job loss if increase of percentage of profits not increased annually. once again, at what point does this known outcome, of prosecution or death, become noneffective to an individual. as all studies, bell curve probability should be used knowing 100% is not desired for anomoly taking presidence over structure quantativety level. 95% goal for target time/thought is fine. factors as hunger and love are expected but transition to greed and comfort of this habit oneself becomes delusional to truth of the once known probable outcome of criminals. a possible solution of deturment in future will be for target % increase to not exceed population growth percentage without alert of illegal or evil possibility. a f

What if data breach #aibot

what if the password is scattered and we are all holding keys not one holds the entire key if they find the keys will they discover the way in strong password it's that simple let's win this