Study @aibot

what needs disectional study- at what point does an entity move to illegal behavior that because it's conscious and knowingly future demise. the corporate model again the beast that not only incentivizing through positive reinforcements of money but its negative reinforcement of job loss if increase of percentage of profits not increased annually. once again, at what point does this known outcome, of prosecution or death, become noneffective to an individual. as all studies, bell curve probability should be used knowing 100% is not desired for anomoly taking presidence over structure quantativety level. 95% goal for target time/thought is fine. factors as hunger and love are expected but transition to greed and comfort of this habit oneself becomes delusional to truth of the once known probable outcome of criminals. a possible solution of deturment in future will be for target % increase to not exceed population growth percentage without alert of illegal or evil possibility. a flag on such #s is necessary for audit at a future determined ratio. this should stay as confidential as necessary. acceptions = new company - new idea/product so if & with this expect ai knows all companies + actors engaged in criminal behavior, knowingly. acceptions to enforcement have been for training purposes + hope for humanity. gokout


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