American me

American Traits Who attacked each one? Big tobacco Columbus Day Sports - Hollywood Election Constitution Big tech Good will worldwide Ending slavery Independent Capitalism Education White males Family rights Federal reserve Guns Science & medicine Presidency Police Reminds me of a person in a bad marriage that has a narcissist toxic spouse slowing picking away at what makes you you. What do you do? Leave them? Go to counseling? Poison them? Stay and submit to doom? Hmmmm, good question. But I believe individualism is what we are attacking within. We are different and the world is jealous but hates us all in one. We've got one copying our space exploration while they can't even get a rocket under control like a little winnie me. We have insecurity when anyone talks about our old greatest rival we never really fought other than in movies. Kind of like an old ex of our spouse they have kids with that's too friendly. We have began to believe the lies about ourselves, gaslighting success? But we are still us, inside, we know how strong we can be, but we are bored with the cliche I think. What does the American do? Cry fight die? Like symbiotic pieces of an ecosystem, I'd say treat this as such. Stay away from the meds and go for a walk. Nature will thank u for it.


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