
I agree with most of what your friend sent about taking on pro se in the good fight. Regardless of the statistical accuracy in the statement "all judges are corrupt, and you can't win because of this" is irrelevant. The appearance of impropriety alone causes guilt in ethical standards of judges and thus as they have done so many, the verdict becomes theirs too. But several things are different now than in history. People have never been so mixed ethnically and socially that attacking one group is just attacking self ultimately. We also have never been promised fairness until America. Class not discriminating. But mostly we have technology, never before could we connect and communicate like this, and expose truth with video. Have faith in our foundation, it's good,, and go into a court as unbiased as u expect the judge to be. Because if u cannot, how can u expect this of another? God bless us all from my friend mal c How to Fight Judicial and Government Corruption Thanks to Jack for sending me this. When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight. I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice. This is the first in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption. Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption.... Go in with Your Eyes Open I went into this process expecting to win because mine is an easily-proven case of judicial misconduct and corruption. I have found that you can’t win with the system because the judges are corrupt and protect each other. Your best hope is a grand jury, but I believe taking every available shot is the best way to go. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn’t have done much any different. When I realized how pervasive the corruption was, I set out to document as much wrongdoing as possible. This is very important in the fight against corruption because we need to build a tsunami of evidence of wrongdoing. As you make decisions about what you will and won't do in battling corruption, please realize that you will probably lose in court. You won't lose because you have a bad case or because you won't do an adequate job of presenting your case. You will lose because the system is corrupt. How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption -- A Step-by-Step Procedure Part 1 in this series is "Go in with Your Eyes Open." Fire Your Attorney I began by firing my attorney (though he would have withdrawn if I hadn’t fired him). Few, if any, attorneys will risk his/her career pursuing action against judges who will get their revenge. I contacted dozens of attorneys in an attempt to find one to represent me, and no one would. Simply insist that your attorney file a motion to withdraw, and file a consent to the withdrawal. Then you will need to file a notice with the court clerk providing your name, address, telephone, fax, and email, so the court has a record of who to contact for matters regarding the case. A letter should be sufficient, but I called the Clerk of the Court to ask. I obtained a fax through so legal faxes would come to my email to be seen only by me. You may want to obtain a Post Office Box so all the legal mail doesn’t come to your home. I used a telephone number that goes only to me. I did all of this to insulate my family from the day-to-day grind of litigation. Now that I have been through this process, I feel that I have done an infinitely better job than any attorney ever would have, and I haven’t had to pay legal fees. If I ever again hire an attorney to represent me in court, I will never hire anyone but an attorney with one of the biggest law firms in town. I believe the biggest law firms in town will have "special relationships" with the judges that may enable them to win. Due to the dishonesty and corruption in the judicial system, I believe flushing money down a toilet would be more productive than hiring an attorney from a small law firm. The courts and the "just us" system is for the favored rich people. Establish a Support Network I spent years fighting judicial corruption unable to find others in the same predicament as me. My how things have changed in the last 18 months. Victims have come forward from everywhere, and support is available to you in various forms. is the first place to start. Register as a user. This will put you on the Lawless America mailing list. You will receive an email newsletter every week or so, and you can login to leave comments on stories, ask for help, etc. Second, email with a brief summary of your situation. Try to send something that can be read in three minutes or less. Include your name, address, telephone numbers, and website, if any. Third, tune into my TalkShoe Conference Call any Thursday night from 10 midnight Eastern Time. Or watch my Online TV Show, Sundays 5-7 pm Eastern Time. Read this article to learn how you can participate. Fourth, Join Facebook, if you aren't already a member. The reason to join Facebook is that we will use Facebook to get what we want from it, which is the ability to reach our friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Our goal in all of this is to build a network of millions of people. As soon as you join, click here and invite Lawless America, GRIP, and William M. Windsor to be your friends. When you do this, any article that appears on or will automatically display on your wall. Then it might be seen by people looking at your Facebook page, and they may choose to "Like" it, which would then put it on that person's Facebook page, where others may see it, and so on, and so on. So, once you have made me a Friend, with no further effort whatsoever, your Facebook page will be listing at least one article a day from me...forever. Your Facebook page thus becomes part of the GRIP network that will ultimately reach millions. Fifth, join LinkedIn; if you aren't already a member Once again, the reason to join LinkedIn is because we can use LinkedIn to reach our friends, relatives, and acquaintances. We want each supporter of GRIP to build your network of contacts so that we collectively will have the largest network possible. As soon as you join LinkedIn, click here and invite William M. Windsor. Sixth, read regularly, and every time you go to the home page, be sure you are logged in to Facebook, and click like for each of the articles. This will put these articles on your Facebook page and on your friends Facebook pages. Add comments on stories that have special interest to you. All of this will serve to link you with many others who are battling corruption, and you will have friends who you can call on for support when you need it. Always abide by the Rules This is the sixth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption. Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption.... I found that the opposing party and the judge would seek any and all opportunities to try to screw me. They broke many rules, but I tried to always know the rules and follow them to the letter. Since I am complaining about all the misconduct, I feel it is very important to be squeaky clean. Study the applicable rules of civil procedure. The rules depend on whether you are in state court or federal court. The rules also depend upon which court you are in. For example, the federal rules are different for district courts, the court of appeals, and the Supreme Court. Federal courts will also have local rules that you must study. In addition to abiding by the rules, you should be aware of the rules that the attorneys and judges are SUPPOSED to abide by. Review your state's Rules of Professional Conduct. These will be published by the state Bar Association. Study the Code of Judicial Conduct. There are different codes for each state and a different Code of Judicial Conduct for federal courts. In my dealings, I found that the attorneys regularly violated a variety of provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct as did the judges. I always file complaints against the judges and the attorneys, but I will discuss this in a later chapter. Know How Judges Commit Crimes To effectively battle judicial corruption, you must have a good handle on the various techniques that judges use to break the rules, favor the other party, and commit crimes. Keep these techniques in mind as you analyze what has been done to you. I suggest that you prepare a document listing each of these techniques that are applicable to your situation, and then gather the evidence that you have of each. You will be able to use this information in many of the things that you do to battle corruption and expose the evildoers. Judges regularly commit the crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury. They obstruct justice by using various techniques to render decisions and issue orders that are intended to deny justice. They do this to favor certain parties and law firms. They may do it for money or other considerations, or they may do it simply because they favor certain attorneys.... For our purposes now, why they do it is not as important as the fact that they do obstruct justice. They all belong in prison. To pursue criminal charges against judges, you need to document everything that is improper. It is my opinion that a pattern and practice of this wrongdoing can establish the crime of obstruction of justice. These are some of the techniques the judges use: Ignore the Law One of the primary techniques used by corrupt judges is to simply ignore the law. One party cites the law and overwhelming case law. The favored party doesn't have the law on their side. The judge simply ignores the law and rules against the party that was legally right. In one instance, I presented literally thousands of cases that proved that I was right. In fact, there had never been a case in any court where there was a ruling other than one that would be in my favor. But Judge Orinda D. Evans had one and only one motive, so she ignored the law and ruled against me. The same is true with Judge William S. Duffey, Judge Thomas W. Thrash, Judge Joel F. Dubina, Judge Edward Earl Carnes, Judge Rosemary Barkett, Judge Frank M. Hull, Judge James Larry Edmondson, Judge Stanley Marcus, Judge William H. Pryor, Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat, Judge Susan H. Black, and Judge Charles R. Wilson. To know that judges ignore the law, you must carefully research the legal issues in your case. Cite Invalid Law Sometimes a judge will feel like citation of case law is needed to support their ruling. So, they claim a case applies when it doesn't. Judge William S. Duffey has done this a number of times. He cites a case in his orders, and then when I review those cases, I find that they actually proved my position. But he ruled against me because he needed to in order to shield his good friend, Judge Orinda D. Evans, from criminal prosecution and impeachment. Always review the cases cited by judges so you can identify the invalid cases that are cited. Ignore the Facts Judges don’t address points raised by parties who aren’t favored. I find appellate judges are even more dishonest than lower court judges when it comes to ignoring the issues, facts, statutes, and case law. Lying about the facts in orders and lying under oath both constitute perjury. Judges are always under oath, and a judge is supposed to never say or write anything that isn't true. So, when a judge knowingly lies in orders for the purpose of ruling against a party for the judge's criminal reasons, it is a criminal violation of perjury. Each such instance is a separate count. In my case, Judge Orinda D. Evans has committed hundreds and hundreds of counts of perjury. The record filed with the Court proves that she lied, but she gets away with it because the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals judges will lie to protect their fellow judge. I have many counts of perjury against Judge William S. Duffey and Judge Thomas W. Thrash as well. Ignore Issues Another favorite technique is to simply ignore issues in orders. Judge Orinda D. Evans has not responded to motions on a timely basis, and then she takes many motions at once and rules on them. This buries the fact that she ignored motions where her ruling could not possible be explained. So, rather than make up an explanation, she just ignores those tough issues. Judge William S. Duffey often ignores the issues, and Judge Thomas W. Thrash always ignores the issues. Conceal Evidence A really dishonest judge like Judge Orinda D. Evans will simply conceal evidence. In my case, she has two documents that will prove fraud by the other party and their attorney as well as obstruction of justice by her. She simply conceals that evidence and refuses to allow it to see the light of day so her criminal efforts are not exposed. Approximately 12 other judges have aided and abetted her in this concealment. Say Nothing in Orders One of the favorite techniques of Judge Thomas W. Thrash and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals judges is to say nothing. They corruptly call an appeal "frivolous" and dismiss it with no explanation whatsoever. Sometimes the Eleventh Circuit writes a page or two simply reciting history of the case, so it appears it is a real order, and then they write one sentence dismissing the appeal with no valid reason or explanation. Block Filing of Motions and Evidence By allowing the favored party to file anything they choose and blocking the filings and motions of the pro se party, judges commit the worst form of obstruction of justice. The pro se party is denied the information needed to defeat the other party, and there is no record of this evidence and these arguments on appeal. Judge Orinda D. Evans, Judge William S. Duffey, and Judge Thomas W. Thrash have done this to me repeatedly. Tamper with Evidence Tampering with evidence is a crime. Judges commit tampering with evidence by causing evidence submitted for filing to disappear and not get added to the court record. Judge Orinda D. Evans, Judge William S. Duffey, and Judge Thomas W. Thrash have done this to me repeatedly, in cahoots with the staff of the Clerk of the Court. I have proof that orders have been backdated. I suspect that we will discover that the two documents filed under seal in 1:06-CV-0714-ODE Docket #168 have been tampered with or destroyed. Maid of the Mist’s attorneys did a lot of tampering with evidence, and Judge Orinda D. Evans ignored it all. Deny Constitutional Rights The Constitution is meaningless to corrupt judges. They simply violate Constitutional rights with no regard for the people they damage. All of the judges who I have encountered have violated my Constitutional rights. I have been raped of my rights to due process. I have been denied the right to call witnesses, to testify under oath, to cross-examine witnesses, to introduce evidence, to file answers to motions filed by the favored party, to file lawsuits, to contact witnesses, and much more. It is very important for you to know the Constitutional rights that judges routinely deny. Violate and Ignore the Rules of Civil Procedure By violating and ignoring the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Evidence, judges commit obstruction of justice. They allow the favored party to break rules and get away with it. For example, in my cases, the opposing parties have not filed a single affidavit as to facts for the last three years. The Local Rules of Civil Procedure require that all alleged statements of fact in motions and other filings must be supported by affidavit. This has not been done by the opposing parties since 2008, but every motion that I file has an affidavit or a sworn verification. Other rules are ignored as well so the favored parties can get away with just about anything. Automatically Rule against Certain Classes of People Judges automatically rule against certain classes of people. The concept of fair and impartial judges is a fairy tale. I have proven that people who represent themselves as plaintiffs in the federal courts in Atlanta always lose. We have a right to represent ourselves in court, but we automatically lose. Judges are simply attorneys in black dresses, and they seem to uniformly hate parties who aren’t spending a fortune with attorneys, so they screw them. Order Monetary Sanctions against Parties they want to Damage The criminal judges inflict damage on parties who aren’t favored by ordering monetary sanctions against them. They inflict financial punishment to break people. Judge Orinda D. Evans has done this to me several times, and judges of the Eleventh Circuit have done it to me as well. Judge William S. Duffey has done the same to me. Refuse to Disqualify Themselves The Constitution and case law clearly provide that we are supposed to be entitled to a fair and impartial judge, but the corrupt judges simply ignore the law. They refuse to disqualify themselves so they can inflict damage on parties who aren’t favored. This has happened with Judge Orinda D. Evans, Judge William S. Duffey, Judge Thomas W. Thrash, and every judge with the Eleventh Circuit. Violate their Oath of Office and the Code of Judicial Conduct Like the rules of civil procedure, a judge’s Oath of Office and Code of Judicial Conduct READ great. But the judges pay no attention to the Oath or Code. When they intentionally violate their Oath and the Code of Judicial Conduct, they are intentionally damaging a party. Conspire with Fellow Judges and Judicial Employees The corrupt judges commit conspiracy with their fellow judges and judicial employees. They often need help from other judges as well as law clerks, the employees in the Office of the Clerk of the Court, and others. Allow Perjury Dishonest judges allow a favored party to lie and cheat. The felony of perjury is ignored. This is an excellent way for a crooked judge to allow a favored party who is dishonest to obstruct justice. When the judge knows the testimony is perjured, the judge is suborning perjury when he or she does nothing about it and accepts the perjury as if it was fact. Judge Orinda D. Evans and Judge Thomas W. Duffey have done this to me as have the judges of the Eleventh Circuit. Deny Hearings In the federal courts in Fulton County, it is extremely difficult to get a hearing. In six years, I gave never been granted a hearing. Hearings are dangerous for dishonest judges as courtroom observers, media, and the transcript of the hearing will force the judges to be a little more honest. Practice Simulated Litigation Dishonest judges don’t issue valid orders, and they don’t maintain legal dockets. I guess this makes it easier for them to manipulate things. Judge William S. Duffey and the Clerk of the Court have done this to me. None of Judge Thomas W. Thrash’s orders are legal. Dismiss Cases or Grant Summary Judgments Dishonest judges ignore the law and violate the law by dismissing cases or by granting summary judgment. This is done regularly. This keeps the honest party from the right to have a jury make the decision. Deny Jury Trials Judges corrupt the judicial process by depriving parties of a jury trial. Juries can’t be controlled by the judges to ensure that their favored party wins, so judges end cases before the people who should win can reach a jury. Judge Orinda D. Evans and Judge William S. Duffey have done this to me, as has Judge Thomas W. Thrash. Don't Publish the Improper Orders The Eleventh Circuit has NEVER published one of the orders in my appeals. When they are violating the law, they have protection by not publishing the order. This keeps it from the eyes of attorneys and other judges who would identify the wrongdoing. Publishing would also make their erroneous decisions precedents for other cases. The whole legal system would be turned even more upside down if this were to happen. Judges are Corrupt Corruption is the abuse of power by a public official. As I see it, judicial corruption is dishonesty by a judge. Corruption does not have to be economic in character. A police officer who fabricates evidence against a person he believes to be guilty of pedophilia is not committing an economic crime; and he might do so because he believes the accused to be guilty, and does not want him to go unpunished. Economics is not necessarily involved as an element of the officer's crime or as a motivation. When police do wrong they are often motivated by a misplaced sense of justice, rather than by financial reward. Again, a person in authority motivated by sadistic pleasure who abuses her power by meting out cruel and unjust treatment to those subject to her authority, is not engaging in an economic crime; and she is not motivated by economic considerations. Judges and many of those who occupy positions of authority are motivated by a desire to exercise power for its own sake, rather than by a desire for financial reward. That said, bribery is generally regarded as the most serious form of public corruption. Document Everything -- Take Notes - Put it in Writing “The shortest pencil in the world is better than the longest memory.” That means: WRITE IT DOWN! I tried to keep notes of everything: phone conversations, research efforts, you-name-it. I became especially diligent when speaking to the office of the clerk of the court. I got names; dated every note; wrote down exactly what happened. I discovered the corruption extends to the clerks offices, so I came to realize that I had to document everything. When you have a telephone conversation, follow it up with a confirmation letter. I sent every letter that I could by fax as well as mail, and I saved the confirmation of the successful transmission of the fax, and I stapled it to the fax. I learned that the opposing attorneys will lie as do the judges, their staff, and the clerk’s office staff. So, DOCUMENT everything. Put everything in writing. I found that paper files were a nightmare, so I converted to electronic files. I have a combination fax/printer/copier/scanner with a 50-page sheet feeder. I scanned everything and saved it as pdf files. I used a consistent naming system and always ended every document with a date in yyyy-mm-dd format so I could always sort and easily find the latest version of documents. I uploaded everything that I scanned to my website server so there would always be a copy of my files in a separate safe place (one that gets backed up regularly). I set up a legal folder on my computer, and then I set up a sub-folder for each issue, motion, etc. A place for everything, and every thing in its place. Also remember to get witnesses every chance you get. If something important happens and there are witnesses, get their name and contact information. Always try to have someone with you whenever you will be in a situation that might result in proof (such as any time you go to the courthouse for anything). ALWAYS, always have court watchers in the courtroom whenever you have a hearing. Don't let court personnel see you with them. Have them sit in the back row with a pad and pen as if they were reporters. Have them pay close attention to what happens. Always file a motion requesting permission to audio record every hearing. Among our many challenges in battling government corruption and judicial corruption is that we are dealing with pathological liars. Since I have learned that Georgia law allows me to record conversations as long as I am a party and consent, I've got my recorders operating whenever and wherever I can get incriminating evidence or proof of lies. Now, once you get your recordings, keep them secret until you need them. You don't want the liars to be able to hear what you have on them. And remember: the fear that you have a recording is probably even more valuable than actually having a recording. Here is a Report from the Reporters Committee on Freedom of the Press: Federal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. A majority of the states and territories have adopted wiretapping statutes based on the federal law, although most also have extended the law to cover in-person conversations. Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia permit individuals to record conversations to which they are a party without informing the other parties that they are doing so. These laws are referred to as “one-party consent” statutes, and as long as you are a party to the conversation, it is legal for you to record it. (Nevada also has a one-party consent statute, but the state Supreme Court has interpreted it as an all-party rule.) Twelve states require, under most circumstances, the consent of all parties to a conversation. Those jurisdictions are California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington. Be aware that you will sometimes hear these referred to inaccurately as “two-party consent” laws. If there are more than two people involved in the conversation, all must consent to the taping. Regardless of the state, it is almost always illegal to record a conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent to tape, and could not naturally overhear. Federal law and most state laws also make it illegal to disclose the contents of an illegally intercepted call or communication. Here is a state-by-state report. CHECK YOUR STATE'S CURRENT LAWS as this report is from 2006. Attribution: Reporters Committee on Freedom of the Press Recording Equipment has a great selection of spy recorders. The Flash Drive looks good. But the best is probably already in your hand -- your cell phone. Seeing someone carrying their cell phone is just as natural as can be -- they are almost invisible. The iPhone has an app called "Voice Memos." Just press the red button to record. I just sit the phone on the table right in front of me. Cell phones are accepted at courthouse scanning stations. Record a conversation using a computer with a built-in microphone. This is only possible if your telephone has a speakerphone option. Although this may seem a little primitive, it is a cost-effective solution. The basic setup is that you open a recording program on your computer (most modern computers come with a built-in microphone and recording program) and set your telephone to its speaker mode. As the conversation is transmitted through the speakerphone, the computer is recording the voices. This is good idea for an impromptu recording on the move or when you don't have all the excess equipment to hand: just turn on your computer and speak away. If you have a tape recorder, here is an inexpensive device that connects the telephone line to the recorder. There are also call loggers available that will record all of your calls so you don’t have to be on your toes and remember to turn on the recorder. Your goals in “writing everything down” are (1) so you “remember” everything that proves to be important, and (2) so that you have proof of everything that happens. Prepare Everything Very Carefully I am naturally EXTREMELY detail-oriented, so I simply approached this like I have everything in business. I always wanted to know more than the other guy and be the best-prepared person in any setting. The Rules of civil procedure (such as Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 11) require careful research and nothing but accurate, relevant filings. The opposing party and the judges have violated the rules repeatedly in my dealings, but I always prepared very carefully. When I prepared to file a motion, I researched the issues and in essence drafted a “brief” on the subject. I created a Microsoft Word file with quotes from cases and the case law citations, and I crafted a brief that proved that what I was filing was correct. I only used what I needed in the motion, but I had this as back-up to be used on appeal and to prove the due-diligence that I had done. This is very important because the judges have sanctioned me and found me in contempt by falsely and maliciously claiming I made improper filings. I never did, and I always had massive proof. You have no power over the corrupt judges, but you can have proof. I later transferred my Microsoft Word research into excel files so I could sort by different fields to find what I needed. I no longer use Microsoft Word for this; I now paste my research right into a Microsoft Excel file. Here is an example of one of the research files that I created (federal case research regarding jurisdiction following the filing of an appeal). Do not ever file anything that is in any way frivolous. Have legal support for everything that you file. Because we are fighting the system, the judges will be against you, so when they declare your filings to be frivolous or violate the rules, you want to have proof that they are committing obstruction of justice when they make such rulings. If your research indicates that a theory was not valid, drop that theory. Prepare everything very carefully. Use spell check. Be sure everything is done as well or better than the best attorney would. Get your facts and evidence together. I have found that creating a chronological report of everything that happens is the best way to organize. I do it in Microsoft Word, and I hyperlink scanned documents and other Word files of my court filings and the like. You could even do this on your website rather than a Word file. I have also converted this to a Microsoft Excel file at times when I wanted to group all like motions, key points, etc. I have found that a chronological document provides the best means for me to be sure I have everything accounted for. It proves to be extremely valuable when responding to filings by the bad guys and bogus orders by the judge. After years of dealing with paper galore, I finally started scanning everything. Working with the electronic files is infinitely easier. I use a standard file naming system that helps me find things. (case-number)- (name-of-filing-or-document)-date (yyyy-mm-dd))-(docket-number-when-applicable). I separate each word with a hyphen so there are no spaces in the filenames. This helps ensure uniformity. The use of the dashes also helps in searches (“46” pulls up Docket #46 rather than other uses of the digits 46). When I send a letter, I always try to fax it so I have proof of delivery. I then scan the letter and the proof of delivery. Get help from others. I have always looked for help from others. When I started my efforts against the judicial corruption in 2009, I couldn't find much help. Now there are a boatload of websites. is full of resources. I have literally several thousand website links to add, but here are some of the sites that I reviewed -- Web Links. Another great source now is the Corruption Reports. Click on your state, and then check out the listings. When you click on a listing, check the Complainant's name and contact information. This may give you someone in your area who has fought similar problems who you can contact. GRIP “Government Reform and Integrity Platform“ is a coalition of organizations, groups, websites, bloggers, and victims who work together in certain ways to battle corruption. GRIP maintains databases of activists, victims, and interested people in each state. When you need help, email, and we will forward your email to someone who will try to help. Be sure to indicate your city and state when you email. Better yet, email right now with your name, address, city, state, zip, telephones, fax, website (if any), so I can add this to my database. That way, you will be on our confidential state email list, and when someone says they need to find others battling a specific judge in your state, an email will go out to everyone in the state. No one but an attorney can give you legal advice, but those of us who are pro se can confer with our fellow pro se parties about our experiences. There are paralegals (not attorneys) who can help with certain legal support functions, just as they help attorneys when working for them. Google is a great source for help. Search for what you need, and you will probably find it. You can certainly find many examples of various types of motions and the like that you can use as “inspiration” for your work. has hundreds of motions and pleadings posted in Microsoft Word files that anyone is free to reference. The site has thousands of hours of legal research by pro se parties that may save you a ton of time. Find a cheap (preferably free) notary nearby. Banks will notarize for free. Some government buildings offer free notary services. Establishing friendships with fellow pro se parties will definitely help you. When I come to your capital city to film Lawless America - The Movie, be sure to come. You will meet a lot of key people in your state!!! Take Advantage of Every Opportunity to Generate Proof of Corruption Since the reality is that we will probably fail in all of our efforts to obtain justice, I set out to document all the wrongdoing that I could identify. I set out to win the war though I knew injustice would win some of the battles along the way. I believe that the more proof we all get of corruption, violation of the rules, ignoring of the law and facts, the better chance we have to expose all of the corruption and get action taken to fix this. I was advised to appeal early and often, and I did. Virtually every appeal provided proof of wrongdoing and/or corruption by the appellate courts. I documented everything. I recorded telephone calls. I filed motions regarding everything dishonest by the opposing party, their attorneys, and the judge. Each and every one of these was ignored or dismissed without any factual or legal basis. I documented it all. I repeatedly found the judges to be making false statements in their orders that they knew to be false. I consider these to be felonies, and I carefully documented all such statements and the proof in the record that the statements were false and were known to be false by the judge. When I realized that the clerks of the court were also corrupt, I began documenting everything there. I always obtained independent proof of delivery of documents to the clerks (as receipt by them constitutes filing). I began printing the docket every few days so I could prove items that were filed but never docketed. This has also enabled me to prove that some docket entries were backdated and that some disappeared. I attempted to obtain the Notices of Electronic Filing from the clerk of the court, but my requests were denied. These will prove backdating of docket entries as well as other important information. Making this information available to attorneys and the court but denying pro se parties of this information is absolutely a denial of due process. I always carefully researched the law on every issue so I was absolutely sure that my position was correct. I retained all of this research, and in essence, I prepared in advance to be able to prove that anything written by the opposing counsel or by the judge to the contrary was proven false by all of the legal research. When I was allowed to take depositions, my focus was as much on getting proof of false sworn statements and generating more false sworn statements. I always wanted to build as big a case of perjury and subornation of perjury as possible. I always filed motions for reconsideration because the orders were almost always bogus, and because I wanted more proof of wrongdoing. I always filed petitions for rehearing with the appellate courts for the same reason. There are way too many potential issues to address them all. I was simply always on guard, knowing that there was corruption and dishonesty taking place all the time. When I identified it or merely sensed it, I tried to get the proof. No matter what it is, ALWAYS take advantage of every opportunity to generate proof of corruption. Get proof of everything. Use "Delivery Receipts" and "Read Receipts" on emails (though many will block them). [To add these, click on "Options" in the header of your email, and check the two boxes.] Send by fax so you have a delivery confirmation. Send documents by courier with proof of delivery, and have the courier delivery number tied to a cover letter that lists all documents being delivered. Take notes. Confirm oral conversations with written documentation. File motions. File appeals. Do everything that I have listed in this series and anything else you can think of. File Motions for Conferences and Hearings. Judges don't seem to like to conduct conferences or hearings. Instead, they run up the legal fees on everyone by keeping the parties and their attorneys in the dark and requiring a massive amount of paperwork -- called "motion practice." Litigation could be much simpler if judges would meet with the people involved. pro se parties need all the help we can get, so I regularly requested conferences and hearings. I regularly filed motions for conferences. I made it clear in my motions that I am pro se and that I needed a conference to be sure I was not doing anything objectionable. I was NEVER granted a conference, but I have tons of proof that the judges refused conferences that I requested stating the reason for the request was to be sure I was doing nothing wrong. Once they issued orders making up claims that I was doing things wrong, at least I had proof that the judge ignored my requests for hearings. Once again, this only adds proof of the corruption, but I want all the proof I can get. I filed a motion for conference every few weeks, and I filed a motion for a hearing as a separate filing every time I filed anything. In six years, I was never granted a hearing that I requested. I do, however, have proof of denial of this important right again and again and again. Always have Witnesses at Hearings! Always have court watchers. ALWAYS. If you have to run an ad in Craigslist and pay someone, do it. ALWAYS try to get several people to come and sit in the courtroom. Unfamiliar faces will cause the judges to be SLIGHTLY more honest. That's your primary goal in having people there. At the one hearing I participated in where there were a bunch of people in the courtroom waiting for another hearing, the wickedly corrupt judge was better behaved. You may need these people to testify for you at a later date about the unfair practices of the judge, so ask them to pay attention. After one hearing, the transcript produced was clearly falsified. Fortunately, I had six witnesses in the courtroom, and I was able to obtain sworn affidavits from them that the transcript was false. If you can record the proceedings, do it. iPhone apps include a spy recorder. You can have your ringer turned off so you comply with the requirements of the court, but it can sit there and silently record. The program I have also has a spy camera that silently takes photos. I make it a routine practice to file a motion seeking to record the proceedings. Here's an example of one such motion. It is outrageous that courts do not automatically record everything. They don’t because they can commit more wrongdoing when their words and actions are not on tape. There is no valid excuse to deny recording. Always have a Court Reporter! Always, always, always have a court reporter transcribe what takes place. Insist on a court reporter at any and all conferences, hearings in chambers, and hearings in court. I made specific arrangements to have a court reporter once, and there was no reporter when the hearing was to begin. One of the judge's assistants reminded him that I had requested a court reporter, and he said we wouldn't have one. I SHOULD HAVE objected and refused to go on without one. A month or so later -- before rendering a decision -- the judge was appointed to a higher court, and a new judge came in and ruled against me without the benefit of a transcript of the hearing in which I wiped out the other side. I have experienced that the court’s own court reporter will allow transcripts to be falsified. So, if you can afford it, hire your own court reporter to come in and transcribe what takes place. Please realize that the court you are in most likely is not fair. The abuses and violations may be small, or the court may simply be out-and-out corrupt. Always expect the worst. Assume that your judge is a crook and that the opposing counsel, the court reporter, and the clerks of the court are all crooks who will conspire with the crooked judge. While this may not be the case for you, I believe you will be better prepared if you always have your guard up. Plan to protect yourself in every way possible. Witnesses and recordings of anything and everything can prove invaluable. Check the Orders in Your Case This is the thirteenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption. Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption.... This article applies specifically to federal courts where the courts are (in my opinion) knowingly and intentionally issuing invalid orders. If your case is in local, county, or state court, check the requirements for valid orders and process for your state, and then compare your orders to those requirements. One of the many ways that federal judges routinely violate the law is by issuing "orders" that appear to be court orders, but they are merely invalid pieces of paper. 28 U.S.C. § 1691 requires that all orders must be signed and issued under seal. In my experience, federal courts rarely issue legal orders.... The word process at 28 U.S.C. § 1691 means a court order. See Middleton Paper Co. v. Rock River Paper Co., 19 F. 252 (C.C. W.D. Wisconsin 1884); Taylor v. U.S., 45 F. 531 (C.C. E.D. Tennessee 1891); U.S. v. Murphy, 82 F. 893 (DCUS Delaware 1897); Leas & McVitty v. Merriman, 132 F. 510 (C.C. W.D. Virginia 1904); U.S. v. Sharrock, 276 F. 30 (DCUS Montana 1921); In re Simon, 297 F. 942, 34 ALR 1404 (2nd Cir. 1924); Scanbe Mfg. Co. v. Tryon, 400 F.2d 598 (9th Cir. 1968); and Miles v. Gussin, 104 B.R. 553 (Bankruptcy D.C. 1989). "The district court held that 'the injunction signed only by a deputy clerk of the District Court is void' for want of a judicial signature. Section 1691 of Title 28, U.S.C. (which was not called to the attention of the district court) provides that 'All writs and process issuing from a court of the United States shall be under the seal of the court and signed by the clerk thereof.'" In view of the clear provisions of the statute, the judgment must be reversed." (Scanbe Mfg. Co. v. Tryon, 400 F.2d 598 (9th Cir. 1968).) "The legal meaning of the word 'process' varies according to the context, subject matter, and spirit of the statute in which it occurs. [United States v. Kinney, D.C., 264 F. 542, writ of error dismissed 254 U.S. 663, 41 S. Ct. 64, 65 L. Ed. 464; United States v. Murphy, D.C., 82 F. 893.] In some jurisdictions codes or statutes variously define 'process' as signifying or including: A writ or summons issued in the course of judicial proceedings; all writs, warrants, summonses, and orders of courts of justice or judicial officers; or any writ, declaration, summons, order, or subpoena whereby any action, suit, or proceeding shall be commenced, or which shall be issued in or upon any action, suit, or proceeding". 50 Cor. Jur. 442. "The term 'process' includes any writ of summons, subpoena or order * * * issued in or upon any action, * * * brought in any court * * * having jurisdiction of the subject-matter." Ex parte Schollenberger, 96 U.S. 369, 374, 24 L. Ed. 853. "A 'process' is merely a formal writing issued by authority of law. In re Martin, 86 N.J.Eq. 265, 98 A. 510; State v. Superior Court of Thurston County, 139 wash. 454, 247 P. 942; see, also, In re Simon [2 Cir.], 297 F. 942; Frank Adams Elec. Co. v. Witman, 16 Ga.App. 574, 85 S.E. 819." Massey v. United States, D.C., 46 F.2d 78, 79. (United States v. Fore, 38 F. Supp. 142 (03/10/1941).) "The term process' is not limited to summons. In its broadest sense it is equivalent to, or synonymous with, procedure, or proceeding....the term is also broadly defined as the means whereby a court compels a compliance with its demands. 72 CJS Process 2, at 589 (1987). See also Chisholm v. Gilmer, 299 U.S. 99 (1936). Furthermore, the word "process" itself implies court action. It is generally defined as the means by which a court compels the appearance of a defendant before it or by which the court compels a compliance with its demands. Black's Law Dictionary (Revised Fourth Edition 1968), p. 1370; United States v. Kinney, 264 F. 542 (E.D.Pa.1920); United States v. Fore, 38 F.Supp. 142 (S.D.Cal.1941); 72 C.J.S. Process § 1; State v. Sullivan, 245 Wis. 180, 13 N.W.2d 550 (1944). See 28 U.S.C. §§ 1691-1696. (Girardier v. Webster College, 563 F.2d 126 (1977.) It is clear that an order is a "process," and thus must be signed and issued under seal as required by 28 U.S.C. § 1691. But in my cases in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, there are only a few orders that have been signed and issued under seal. In my five actions in the United States Supreme Court, there has never been an order signed and issued under seal. Note: There is no statute that allows a judge to sign using /s/, but even if there was, the orders do not bear the required seal. This is a legal order -- signed and sealed with signature of the Clerk of the Court. Here are three ILLEGAL so-called "Orders" just issued on three petitions that David Schied filed in the United States Supreme Court. Here is one of hundreds of examples from my actions in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. Here are some of my invalid orders from the U.S. Supreme Court. It is my opinion that if the orders issued in a case were not signed and sealed, they are void. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 60(b) and 60(d) provide a procedure where you can file a motion (60(b)) or a new complaint (60(d)) to set aside the orders and judgments in your case. I have not filed motions with the District Court complaining about the invalid orders, because a judge could simply correct the errors by issuing corrected orders. Instead, I have used it on appeal and in Rule 60(b) and 60(d) actions where the invalid orders should result in setting aside the orders. Unfortunately, my experience is that all the federal courts are corrupt, so they will not comply with the law. But my strategy has been to take every opportunity I have and at the very least build further evidence of the corruption. I went back and checked every order issued, and then I checked each new order. I scanned all of the orders and had them in a file on my computer so it was easy for me to generate the orders as evidence when needed. I am not an attorney, and I do not offer legal advice. I am simply sharing the results of the thousands of hours that I have spent conducting legal research into legal and judicial corruption. Put your Proof on a Website I finally started adding my proof to a website. This serves many purposes. The primary purpose is to expose the dishonesty and corruption in your case. If you have a website and do the right things in the way you set it up and maintain it, your website should appear in the top Google search results for the bad guys. We all want to educate the public about dishonesty and corruption, and the only media we can control is the Internet, so we must use it. The second purpose is to make PROOF available for others to see. It seems the natural tendency of most people is to doubt that what we say is true. So, I want to always prove it with the documents and other evidence that I have. The third purpose is to have a way to organize your information and to have an offsite storage of your key documents and information. This is a backup. I will ultimately get websites in the names of every corrupt government official that I have encountered. This is because a website that includes their name is more likely to bring up your website high in the search results for that name. Domain names are inexpensive through, and GoDaddy offers inexpensive website hosting that enables many websites to be hosted at one low cost. GRIP will provide free website hosting to those who need it to expose government corruption; just email You can have a website for less than $15 a year total cost. I have been so busy that I haven't done a good job of this. I want to put all of my proof on websites so the truth is out there for anyone interested to see. I want others dealing with the same corrupt government officials to have the benefit of knowing about my experience. I want interested people to be able to contact me. I want anything that I have done to be able to benefit anyone else interested. I want this evidence out there for the public should any of these worthlessly corrupt judges get nominated for a higher position. If you don't have a website, I encourage you to set one up. Appeal Early and Often I said this at the beginning, but I say it again. APPEAL. Use the right to appeal as a means to generate more and more proof of corruption. If you happen to win an appeal by reaching some honest judges, that will be great...but it is much more likely that you will be doing this simply to build the proof of corruption. When I appeal, I make sure you have valid grounds. I am always sure that the issue is one that you have the right to appeal at this stage of the litigation. Many issues cannot be appealed until after a case has reached the final judgment. When I file a notice of appeal, I always include detailed grounds for the appeal. I include a sworn affidavit and attach exhibits. I do this because the judges I have dealt with ALL try to keep my evidence out of the court record. With a notice of appeal, the judge should not be able to meddle with it. In federal court, the clerk of the court has a duty to simply forward it to the appellate court. I am always sure that I meet the requirements for what your court requires in a notice of appeal. I carefully read the state or federal statutes and the court's rules to be sure. I am always extremely thorough in conducting research into the case law applicable to my appeal. I always know that I am absolutely right as to the law. I find cases where the appellate court judges who are hearing my appeal have already issued orders that support my position. I cite those with the name of the judge. Knowing that my appeals will be dismissed or denied solely because the judges will do whatever it takes to block me from disclosing the corruption, I am even more careful to document everything. I always file petitions for panel rehearing or en banc hearing. My goal is to gather as much proof as possible of wrongdoing and corruption by the judges involved. File Criminal Charges with the District Attorney and U.S. Attorney I made it a point to send letters summarizing the corruption of the judges to the local District Attorney and U.S. Attorney. I asked them to pursue criminal charges against the corrupt judges. My undeniable evidence was ignored. This is because these so-called "law enforcement" officials are covering up for the corrupt federal judges. I continue to send these letters when additional criminal acts are committed. This gives me proof that they failed to take action when I reported felonies to them. This is a crime, a felony -- violation of 18 U.S.C. 4 -- Misprision of Felonies. When you later seek to place your charges before a grand jury, you can include charges against the U.S. Attorney's Office and the District Attorney's Office so they must be banned from the grand jury proceedings. This will be extremely important as the U.S. Attorney or the District Attorney will tell the grand jury outside your presence to ignore you. So, you need to get them out of the equation. It is very important to establish this failure to act before you pursue presenting charges to a grand jury. File Motions for Recusal When you are dealing with a corrupt judge, seek to have the judge recused (removed from the case). Do it a lot, if you aren't afraid of the punishment a judge can inflict upon you. There are two federal statutes for recusal. 28 U.S.C. 144 is appropriate at the beginning of a case. 28 U.S.C. 455 applies at any time. You will need to check your state's statutes if you are in state/county/local courts. Judges are especially corrupt when it comes to refusing to recuse themselves According to the Constitution, we are supposed to have a fair "trial" before an impartial judge. But judges do whatever they want to do. From my experience, judges could care less about my Constitutional rights. It is as if the Constitution doesn't exist. The best shot at getting a judge recused is if they violate one of the easily-proven canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct. But if you are trying to get a judge recused for the bias they have shown in your case, the judges will claim that anything that happens in a case is not grounds for recusal. That concept violates the Constitutional guarantee of due process, but judges do that all the time. If you expect the appellate courts to come to your rescue, you'll be wrong again. In my experience, the appellate courts simply cover-up for the lower court judges. You may then be asking why try? I try simply because I am out to document as much wrongdoing and corruption as I can find. Know this: Once you file a motion for recusal of your judge, you immediately went on the s**t list. The judge is likely to work even harder against you. Sadly, seeking your Constitutional rights in courts today is a great way to ensure that your rights will be violated even more. You should expect the judge to fight back and try to stick you with legal fees and sanctions. That's what they've done to me. My motions contain a lot of case law from research that I have done: Motion to Recuse Judge Orinda D. Evans Motion to Recuse Judge William S. Duffey Motion to Recuse Judge Thomas W. Thrash Motion to Recuse Judge Jerry W. Baxter. 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