Lawyer and judges

the audacity to say leave the real world at the door because what's taught here doesn't happen there. this implies we the people have been defrauded from the start, or somewhere from the start we have gotten lost. to know you don't follow the constitution because of statute, and pretend one isn't obviously prevailing, is a fraud not to just your clients, but self and children's future having to fix what might destroy all. you claim to be above others but can't even stand without another below like a prop. what does that say about your true position? the hypocrisy will continue until some learn to listen and others listen to learn, until innovation we creep closer to devastation, for you all I pray, I know where I stand with or without all of you. XOXO 3R


  1. The Villagers in every County USA(anyone can start The Villagers via Flyer- example below.Several groups in the County will eventually meet) Courts of Public Opinion! Judging those who judge us!  The Villagers of.................... County, State of..................... Meetings on ........ Saturday of the month. Location:...........................,..... Time................ (The conference room can be booked in the library) We are the Storm  Authority is not The Truth Truth is The Authority. We no longer accept things we cannot change. We changing the  things we  cannot accept ! We no longer write complaints to Public Servants. We complain to The Villagers in our Counties. We send copies of our stories to other Public Servants. No Villager left behind. No child,no falsely accused or  convicted,no Alienated Parent . Let our People know and let our children go! You cannot join The Villagers You have to be The Villager Mission Statement: To expose unreasonable, and unethical Public Servants to other Public Servants and Residents. Bring One Page story(two sided is ok) ( and several copies) of your experience with Public Servants including Doctors Psychologist,  Police, Judges, Attorneys etc. etc.You can be anonymous (because it's not exposing you but them). On the buttom of your story put: Pay it forward, make 10 copies and pass it forward. Truth is not Slander! Show up! Remain Calm and be systematic. Turtle wins the race. 1000 Mile journey begins with first step May the Force of Decency, Reason and Light be with you. The flyer you hand to someone may be the ray of hope!    Choose  your meetings place and time consistent ,so  people would not get confused. Despite protests, and legislative mandates the corruption will always exist.We need to be vigilant to expose it,or it will flourish again! On the back of the flyer include addresses of judges, Sheriff, Police, Judicial Review Board, Attorney Regulations Board etc,etc. (More is better) Mailing each others stories about Public Servants to other Public Servants,and redistributing each other's stories. To support victims 10AM Monday Morning CPS under CPS headquarters  Tuesday County Court  Under County Court Building  Wednesday  County Sheriff Pay it forward (make 10 copies) Pass it forward.
    Homeless folks like to exchange flyer for donations

  2. All children of Israel are on trial because the enemy who wants to destroy us is stalking and harassing.

    My husband is so much like God and former suitors were like Satan. Stay strong and this will all be a thing of the past when we are reunited with our babies and true families.


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