Finally maybe

greatest psy-op that ever commenced amongst humans is now complete. so whether you believe this great story was fictitiously developed in the chaotic traumatized broken hearted mom, or chance held a history that fit the narrative perfectly, or something else, it's irrelevant. I believe the even more important question is how did they create such a dedicated Patriot after breaking a person in such a way? is this the perfected MK ultra they all speak of? nothing of the sort. this is beyond anything they could have imagined then or maybe they did imagine it, it wasn't that long ago i guess. but it did take a while for it to work. as I said before, if I was just not good enough I may be able to walk away someday, because being too good and sucking that bad have the same outcome. I'm sure they pulled their hair out many nights after I exposed too much and compromised everything as usual. never out of spite as they all knew, purely out of desperation fighting for a future America for my children and all of their peers. what do you know it's my dad's birthday and it's raining August 1st 22 and as I started crying it started raining thank you again. I understand the logic argument about attributing good outcomes and positive reinforcement from unknown sources to be unwise and not logical because that would attribute bad outcomes only occur to bad deeds which we all know is false. but beyond the Socrates Plato analogy. There's something called test town we're endless grant money is spent on willing and unwilling participants that ensure the security for us all in one way or another, whether they know it or not. and for these towns there is always an exception to the rule, no matter what it is. many say that this is unethical, but they should ask themselves first, would it be more ethical if it was done by another country? and we all know the answer to that. I will give one Q proof, because I do not want to expose anybody that participated. when Q said trust sessions, it was a question not statement. you may look at my Twitter post after, find the tracking number trace it to Attorney General Sessions, and you will find my package was delivered to him, confirmation of this package and the contents within it were what was the test, and he failed , many failed, but that will be my only Q proof.


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