I first want to make a disclaimer, i do not agree or like the decisions made, but i understand them. I am going to attempt to explain this to you my fellow patriots in hopes that it will help you through a very confusing time. Partially, no mostly, our fault. But never a lie, every word and action done by us was done with love only trying to minimize negative externalities. Everyone knows, whether you are a believer in the Armageddon brought by God or Fossil fuels, or even the cycle of earth and reacurring cataclysmic events, the haunting of doom lingers in the air. This doom i want to clarify, is somewhat of a memory stored in our cells, soul, and water which haunts every historical generation. Y2k is 1 many today can still recall. The comet for cults or the plague that actually killed ⅓ of eu it seems the flood and fear it caused lingers in all. It will not happen again, if we can help it. There is much that influences the destiny and fate of each individual and the universe. The cause that determines the end of a civilization or species is determined within each person and ultimately everyone together as a mean frequency that affects the earth sun and all species attached. So now that i have explained the severity of our situation, i will explain the parts that have impacted daily life structure. The United States of America is the melting pot of the melting pot. So dna from monkeys God Africa or aliens we are all mixed here for the most part. We are also the shining light of hope to the world, a goal and mentor, and the might, so it is crucial we act in a manner that does not lead to what the previous paragraph guarantees in the past. With this we cannot act in any known ways of the past by repeated wars or killing our own brothers and neighbors. If America did as Myanmar, the media and propaganda would have led to blind protests and the world would both cry and attack. We would have been invaded. Similar results would have occured if one of the 3 branches exercised their power to stop the steal. Faith in that institution would have fallen and we, dream or realty, cannot risk losing either for reasons and outcomes stated above. The Q plan. I cannot explain to you what or who Q is, Most people that have been part of the plan do not know they were/are because the plan was 1 = to save the world which we did and 2 = changes with new data constantly. It evolves or improvises as needed to again , minimize negative externalities in the name of love. The American second revolution has been spoken into existence by those that study history. Statistically regardless of what we would fight about we were bound to fight ourselves. The world is aware and some prepared more than others. I must say, i am impressed by the efficiency of our model it is truly like no other to have ever existed. What makes this time in history different is several things. 1 = they dont want to hurt like that day again. Can you imagine being the cause of your offspring dying and almost becoming extinct? When one reaches an intelligence level the word understanding has a whole new meaning. The best way to describe the intensity of pain would be to actually feel the pain you caused another as if it were you. Yes, empathy can reach this. I credit this emotional intelligence as the culprit of our absent Gods and aliens. But we this time were given technology. Something to help process outcomes before its too late, but even this is indecipherable to man. Thus the plea for explanatory decisions by those we work with. Trump is a hero, his friends his family literally all attacked by his side through the the 4 years are true heroes. Thank you to them with my full heart and soul. I have personally seen a world dominated by that female and it burned. I questioned gender roles with the full curiosity of just and equal truth and innocence. I was shown gender roles simplify things but are not certainty's but also man will not feel what he causes through progression we females will feel his progressions caused harm but not be the cause he will never understand without us we will never progress without him. Yes this is flexible for the anomaly always. The anomaly. Whether a person is self driven or a martyr, the action in intelligence is the same. The anomaly may carry that gene for your future self or future generations so the variation in this numbers game raises the probability of survival for either. Reincarnations or regeneration its irrelevant, all known factors were processed. Back to hilarious She was going to win, i dont believe this world has seen a fair election. This will not occur until each original ballot from receipt until processed and uploaded is on a livestream that can be reviewed by anyone anywhere at anytime. The very rare or bored or payed will go through this pain staking process to actually audit this count, but the option has to be there. Until this is implemented, Mr. President Trump did not know, like everyone else, we were not free and elections are always controlled. Just imagine the blow this caused when he discovered this. Why did they put him in? Why did they take him out? Who are they? Wow? On top of the never ending chaos attacks that never even allowed him to serve us people to his full potential. I should rephrase this, he did not serve as he had in mind. But that was in the world that had fair elections in this law abiding free democracy. Not in this upside down place we all now live in. Many people sleep well in bubbles. The earth is a giant bubble there is nothing wrong with bubble world and definitely nothing wrong in dreaming. With this, i hope i helped ease some uneasy patriots worldwide. Faith in God means no doubt. No lingering possibly. No fear. Its magical truly. I have witnessed Gods magic in ways movies wish they could conjure. Coincidence rarely but when you walk with god everything has a reason. Know we don't, each individual, hold all the world data because in this place of love we call this insanity. So if you are upset, it's ok, but its what you choose to do with this emotion is up to you. When i get that angry, i purposefully look for someone that need help. I focus on nothing but taking that horrible evil by the blank and flipping it into a good. If pure evil does exist, this would really piss it off and maybe reinforce not to be so evil. XOXO


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