Inverse incentives instructions

instructions for inverse incentives how to inverse incentives simplified the goal is to decrease offenses while maintaining job stability for those in industry should 99.9% success be reached. most know 99.9 % will statistically not occur, but this hypothetical scenario has caused an incorrect model and ultimate demise as planned by it's founders. to inverse incentives, you must first establish a cushion for the current number of employees. set that as the base number to never fall below, exactly how the annual budget increase annually has done. now, instead of allowing an increase in buget expenditure annually for increase costs incurred, any increase in expenses will be directly subtracted from the cushion amount as an expense to the state. how to make enticive for actual goal. take the cushion number, and any expenses directly incurred by seizing removing and fostering and recipient of service by the agency, we will pay a profit sharing bonus annually the following year, after proper audits can afform honest numbers. this bonus shal be shared prorated to all members of said agency, including janitorial staff, to ensure team cohesive atmosphere and shared goals under one agency. non profit groups will not receive federal funds in relation to agency goals, any business that wants to prosper in philanthropy can guarantee its income through traditional business methods and gods good will through good intentions of non profit. seperation of church and state shall include psychology science as a quasi philosophical entity and will not hold powers of science until brain mapping can be shown to a panel designated by congress. no pre emptive risk factor may allow agencies to intrude on the peaceful common citizens daily routine including their penumbra of liberty interest, until criminal prosecution found through jury trial of has occurred. agency existence is statistically inevitable in human society and therefore industry should maintain and prosper with profit sharing. goal of agency, whether it be rehabilitation, reunification, or reeducation, shall set its goal to decrease inventory of clients to decrease annual costs, decrease employment through retirement and other retention challenges, examine and re-establish cushion budget every five years, make adjustments in culture as needed, focusing on success meaning conforment into such production and or non impactful existence while harming others. the coming time will be different, so try not to judge those with different work ethic. its why we worked as hard as we did, to gift this to ours, so try not to resent with jealous thought of what you would have done if it was you. find happiness in freedom and it should be closer to perfect as promised.


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