
Showing posts from July, 2018


my American Ignorance all i was seeing was the evil around me, I, being so bright, I seriously became the enemy through my own brightness blinding the reflection. I thought restaurant bones may be kids or druids worship witch wannaB's, shit, those mf's trolled me good... abc 123... lol. so, my neighbors working at the asian restaurant and speaking very little english, plus asians r smart and don't shame the culture around them, did not admit or understand me when I asked if they were scraps from the left overs from work. sooooo 2 shay DS, that was awesome, n dont freak, MS (microsoft not 13) lol, sent that image when I tried to sync calendars 4 court. hahaha GOD BLESS AMERICA XOXO<3GOK

GOK to tread new waters

This morning I was told I must feel the pain to finish correctly, and in a manner that will suffice the necessary communication to those in need in the way it's needed. I see problems on both ends of this perception to be too much emotion on 1 end, and little to none on the other. No emotion is how professionals and warriors have conducted this "job" thus far, and those that have shown emotion have fell to them. I have succeeded in most of my life w/out loss of control, minus pregnancy, so I have survived thus far in this horrible war for our children and futures. I suppose the problem begins with the fact that the pain inflicted by all bullies and dissociatives is why we are in this mess now. Well, my finally is approaching, let's blow the roof off & shine some sun in this Courthouse!!!

welcome to Mars

I am GOK and I was greeting all to my , engulfed today , stormy red planet on independence day 1997. Rovers eye saw more than may be told to many still, but this was a significant year i must say TRUE Let me tell u a story of the last day of earth and life, it is not a day with background music implying to your trained self of a heroic triumph and ending is approaching, (although youtubers try well) ; Its the day your truth and anothers merge interdimensionally, with every thought of yours destroying the world you see. You hear a song , and live the heartache, u see your reflection u see eve. Your father calls u , but u would rather be late than go against the god u know . Church's have empty halls mid - day, if u lie on the grass it eats your decomposing body atom by atom. If you look for others, they fly past u , some will honk n wave back, they don't know we have just touched, in every way, the planet of war. U cry “ Im sorry “ and fight what is wrong , until the restrain