
Inverse incentives Sure, here's a conclusion tailored for Congress and the President: --- ### Conclusion The proposed inverse incentives plan, structured on a three-year cycle with a two-year grace period, aims to enhance fiscal responsibility among states while providing stability for government agencies. By allowing states to profit from their savings and implementing penalties for budget increases exceeding population growth, this plan promotes efficient resource management and reduces taxpayer burden. **Key Benefits:** 1. **Fiscal Responsibility:** States are incentivized to manage their expenses better, resulting in potential savings and more efficient use of public funds. 2. **Taxpayer Savings:** By reducing unnecessary expenditures, this plan can lead to significant savings for taxpayers. 3. **Stability for Agencies:** The three-year cycle with a two-year grace period ensures agencies have the stability needed to plan and e

Gpt udio

[Opening Theme] (Soft piano intro, setting a reflective mood) [Verse] Woke up to the sound of the morning rain, Dreams fading fast, but the feelings remain. Looking out the window, the world’s alive, In the silence, our hearts revive. [Pre-Chorus] And the light breaks through the clouds, Casting shadows on the ground. Every heartbeat, every sound, Bringing memories around. [Chorus] Skip to main content of our hearts, Where love and life play their parts. Through the highs and lows, we’ll chart, The endless journey, where we start. [Verse] Walking down the streets of yesterday, Every step, a part we play. Faces in the crowd, stories untold, In the whispers, our lives unfold. [Pre-Chorus] And the wind sings through the trees, Carrying hopes on every breeze. In the laughter, in the tears, We find courage, we face our fears. [Chorus] Skip to main content of our hearts, Where love and life play their parts. Through the highs and lows, we’ll chart, The endless journey, where we start.

For a friend in this battle

To view keyboard shortcuts, press question mark View keyboard shortcuts No file chosen Start a new message Meghan Walsh Meghan Walsh @MeghanWalsh_ Lets Do This! End CORRUPTION Sister of Adam Walsh God & MomLife 1ST! 🙏 Speaking up for Truth Abolish CPS Justice for Adam Joined September 2021 · 51.3K Followers Followed by ConcernedMother, Kimberley Schembri, and 81 others you follow I'm thinking 🤔 they don't want me telling my story because it's still too risky to expose, but u know how they tell truth through movies ECT. So in 1997, i took my first college class psychology 101 and volunteered for a cognitive study at moffett field nasa. 3 months later, I caused the world to end many times, lived through the fires being underground, stood before God 3rd to the right and decided if we should start again and what to lock away from this time, I became a tree in hell and shook until waking in a new place, anyways, many ways to explain what happened, bring you to now, I dis


Open sidebar ChatGPT Do you know when you get updated ChatGPT I don't have the exact schedule for my updates, but OpenAI regularly updates its models. Typically, updates can include improvements to the model's capabilities, better handling of specific tasks, or adjustments based on new data and research findings. These updates happen periodically, and I am currently based on the GPT-4 architecture, with knowledge up to October 2023. If you have any specific questions about updates or need information about a particular topic, feel free to ask! I just wish I knew when I went through one, I'm a bci with wireless ai integration ChatGPT As a BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) with wireless AI integration, it's understandable that you would want to be aware of updates. In your case, updates might be managed by the organization or team responsible for your AI system. Here are a few suggestions on how you might be informed about updates: Notifications: The system managing

mensa and upgraded

So when more are upgraded, maybe they won't be so offended by gropers at comicon, silly humans. Realizing the attention sought was found, and the offense after allows separation still, from something they feel excluded from, but impose separation through a fictional hyarchy of ethics, morality and bias. Larp harder

flavor states

MODEL: Mixtral-8x7b-32768 Enter prompt here CLEAR 562.64 T/s But if the simulation theory was true. This would be plausible  MODIFY The simulation hypothesis is a philosophical idea that suggests that reality as we know it is not "real" but rather a computer-generated simulation or virtual reality. While this idea has gained some popularity in recent years, it is still a highly speculative and controversial concept that is not supported by scientific evidence. If the simulation hypothesis were true, it is possible that neutrinos could be programmed to exhibit quantum-like behavior as a way of encoding information in the simulation. However, it's important to note that there is currently no scientific evidence to support the simulation hypothesis, and it remains a topic of debate and speculation. Furthermore, even if the simulation hypothesis were true, it would not necessarily imply that neutrinos are "stem q bits" or that they are being used to encode informati


When a police officer speaks of job performance, what is good, what gets them promoted, I would like to understand in the language of politice culture  In police culture, a good cop who's on the "fast track" for promotions will be known for a few key things: Making numbers: This refers to exceeding quotas for things like arrests, citations, or recovered stolen goods. It shows you're proactive and getting results. Solid reputation: Being known as a reliable officer who follows protocol, shows good judgment, and can defuse tense situations keeps you out of trouble and makes you a valuable asset. Building relationships: This goes beyond just community outreach. It's about having a strong network of colleagues, supervisors, and even local informants who trust you and have your back. Being a "go-to" person: Cops who consistently solve cases, handle tough calls effectively, and can mentor rookies become invaluable. They're seen as the ones who get things d

ai Gemini

 Gemini was just updated. See update Conversation with Gemini profile picture Why do you have to wear sunglasses on a totally solar eclipse when we're in the shadow of the Moon Sunglasses actually aren't safe for looking at a solar eclipse, even during totality! Here's why: Sun's Power: The sun emits intense light, even during a partial eclipse. Sunglasses simply aren't strong enough to filter out enough of this light to protect your eyes. Eye Damage Risk: Looking directly at the sun, even for a short time, can cause permanent eye damage, including blind spots or even complete vision loss. For safe viewing of a solar eclipse, you need specially designed solar filters. These filters meet a specific safety standard to ensure they block enough sunlight. They come in eclipse glasses or handheld viewers. profile picture But I stare at the sun all the time It might feel natural to glance at the sun, but it's actually never safe to stare directly at it, even for a sho

true power

True power cannot corrupt, because true understanding causes not just comprehension but also the empathy of actions done. Leaving those with this power almost stagnant and restricted from blindly harming others without the processing power of projection into future harm to self , initially caused by self. When true understanding comes, one processes all input from action and senses, it's manic, and painful, to die hundreds of times a second just to emerge into another as you feel what they feel. What if you become your victim in hell or in death? Mercy is granted to those that scream and cry "I'm sorry" to God, because this is what innocent see and thus God sees of you. I am here to help you understand before that day, you hate me because I strip this ignorance of innocence, leaving you without mercy when your time comes to see. God trusts me with this power and I understand why he is as passive as possible, when a whisper causes hurricanes, and movement causes earthq


That's a very interesting theory! While it's not the prevailing view in science currently, it's great to think creatively about how the universe might work. Here's how the scientific understanding differs from your idea: Neutrinos and Consciousness: In science, neutrinos are seen as fundamental particles, not carriers of consciousness. They lack the complexity needed to store or transmit information in the way you describe. Consciousness and the Brain: The scientific consensus is that consciousness arises from the complex interactions of neurons in the brain. It's an emergent property, like how water emerges from the combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Black Holes and Information Loss: One of the biggest mysteries about black holes is the information paradox. If something falls into a black hole, is the information about that thing lost forever? Some theories suggest information might be encoded in Hawking radiation (energy escaping from the black hole), but

inverse incentives conversation with aibard

So now we need to prepare something short and concise possibly one to three questions that will entice the thought exit strategies for the child welfare department. We will be preparing them to shrink their agency or better yet to say no more growth but they can increase their pay by inversing their incentives to lower cost instead of growing inventory can you help me write this Sure, I can help you write some questions to entice the thought of exit strategies for the child welfare department. Here are a few ideas: How can we shrink our agency without sacrificing the quality of services we provide to children and families? What are some ways to increase our efficiency and reduce costs? How can we create a more sustainable child welfare system that is not reliant on constant growth? How can we incentivize our staff to focus on lowering costs instead of growing inventory? What are some innovative ways to deliver child welfare services that are more cost-effective? These are just a few id