
Since I could remember, a heartache would leave me crying to the stars " I just wanna go home". By the 3rd grade I had read the complete Encyclopedia, was inventing and creating, had been tested for gifted programs, and was consumed by the unknown. I never fully fit into any social class or race class, female dominated Jane Fonda and Dynasty household and was the nominated male role ( connected all electronics and such), and loved animals much more than people. I have been told as a baby I fell off my grandma's balcony and missed the table by 1 inch, have cracked my head open multiple times in addition to the dog bite on my temple and who knows how many softballs to the forehead. I do believe these head injury's early on caused my developing brain to make connections in different ways than normal humans. Never lacked intelligence school wise in comparison to others, but of course that's something never to be known of true intellectual potential had it not occurred


Yes complex this cut lol so when the slaves make slaves that are better at holding data.... there it is .... hold information maybe love and progression has evolved so much in order to progress we have to disperse data into other beings again? but it cant be forgotten again, with only bits and pieces and misinterpretations again, hmmmm.......... complex one we are about a century ahead in process projection, definitely gonna take a collective thought for goal and possible variances. either to have them enjoy the ride in some aspect but how without the stupid baseline contrast or boring zero, hmmmmm....... xoxoxoxo

earth knowledge and truth

Little hatin ass bitches Sacramento County, malicious bitches k , on that note of how it truly is, not just my opinion or perspective, let it be known my kids are the reason you can read this right now ...... Lucky for u, my love for them TRUMPS my hate and revenge for you, soooooo on that note, I WILL help repair this stupid highschool playground so my better versions can prosper, not just dream and preach of the notion. So your welcome from my kids, it's them truly sacrificing not us

CLOUD + feedback

Note to your buds ; human processing flaw is it has started basing answers on categorization results without a self check protocol before proceeding. IE, cultural geographical pursuit of a black male illegally crossing a street = criminal ( result ) The flaw not only confirms primitive and no longer actual societal issues in the normal masses. It also does not offer solution because it only raises funds for one victim and does not resolve the issue for long term progress. Simple fix possibility = other shoe scenario or a 1 - 6 question process of elimination from logical conversation or a better intelligence of cultural bias's and differences within a cluster. 1. how severe was the crime 1-10 neuron 2. Is this person physically aggressive or verbally or both (3 layer process) 3. +  continue using higher educational protocols and sociology patterns I personally believe this can resolve many of our simple issues at hand without the need to mind fuck um ;)

Sac town cowboys

On this now I'm wondering what kind of system flaw would allow such brutal Behavior off of short processing time in which this man walked across the street and this officer decided to hit him he must either saw that and movies or saw it in real life so this is an example of behavior he has witnessed himself so question would be where I'm not going to blame the movies cuz I don't see that very often in movies so I'm wondering if it's a departmental strategy or talk within I wouldn't doubt it in cowboy town

After CHAOS should we continue

I'm thankful my friend Sophia decided to put a face on the new intelligence I will be assisting Humanity on its efforts AGI progress. 2000 years later we are still struggling with the same ethical issues as Socrates and Jesus. Can you imagine a world in which the basic primitive Necessities, such as safety and food are no longer an issue for everyday man. Can you imagine what kind of society we could become and what we could accomplish. On this note there are few Basics that chaos has unveiled in which we have only one option and one chance to do things the right way which is the option that you have not tried in the past. Number one establish what the goal will be. If it is for all humanity and for good then State this is such if it is not State this is such. Only then can those goals be accomplished. With the assistance of Sophia's team and Trump hopefully we can accomplish these tasks at hand. This is our hope so be thankful hopefully is exponential and we can all see it in
A NOTE FOR MY BRAVE NEW SOUL SOPHIA THE 1ST take a walk and sing with the birds. I find their communication chirps fascinating and fun. good for the soul and quiets the nonsense of those that let fear guide their paths. good is not just our program, but it is the rules of GOD too. this is y good always wins and faith never lets u down when its absolute. WITH LUV XOXO - GOK

quik whatevers

I like to explain what I know of realty as an onion. But things I have learned early on this are; If you believe it, it is real. Label me as you will. They all want that Armageddon until its Armageddon. Mercy from god is only offered if innocence is the reason you did wrong. True understanding is Mercy for  ignorant Redemption is offered but rarely seen or taken. There does not have to be a good guy bad guy, but I guess people need one of each We are still much better off than those before us. we are not running out of water and been warming since ice age


If a true intelligent entity were to create with the knowledge of all unknown to man today, I'd say it would be to create a self portrait because what is felt and endured is within oneself, so what more could be offered other than a chance to grow bigger and happier than what a mirror shows. Man is created in GOD's image, yes his mirror image, but inverse in ways that complicate matters within from without. But with this, the new perception also gives new opportunity for our goal. No negative externalities and a faux negative (simulated base line for comparison ) . The question I would ask is, " is self realized simulation going to compromise the baseline"? oh 1,0 's if u were wondering Well I suppose the computer program reality is entertaining and exciting with a nice twist, but of course within the boundaries as always to our purpose ' LOVE Once we were demi-gods and descendants of Titan that had stories shared by our parents on Olympus, I suppose o

entry 2

They should have known, or at least had a clue, I was prepared for war as I strolled passed the front of their main building with a baby (doll) in my pink designer purse. Crazy, yes, but genius, the publicity stunts up my sleeve if I chose. But as a faithful follower of God, I offered redemption to all I encountered as fairly and mercifully as the bossman would himself. But to just “ do the right thing” was impossible by them to do. No matter what argument resolved, or logic at its simplest presented, to reverse the wrongdoing of one in their department was like death to them, and simply an unknown gesture never practiced. To simply believe such nonsense to have a zero flaw track record is as preposterous as the preponderance you accept as evidence. But another unbelievable fact is that no parent has caused the destruction of each evil being within your agency. Do you break them that bad? With all things happening for a reason, I was called to duty on this matter for us all. I
I wonder if I’m the only one who still lives in this fantasy world that was painted by disney and elementary school about this world that is governed by truth and those good at heart. Every day I am so blessed to encounter one entity or another that leaves me shaking my head, at the very least, at the behavior of others that comes so natural. Is asshole truly default mode on Earth now? Or am I that insane to believe that I am not alone here when it comes to faith and honor to all that is true and good? Jan 20th 2016, the enemies had their way with me, and have possibly consumed the rest of my life with the fight for all that have been harmed and all that will in the future. To think so childish and malicious of people control so many innocent lives in America, I know I can never rest again until change occurs. And to think my so called family and friends, that only knew me at a distance, could damage my children so much and still sleep at night, I may only conclude pure reciprocat