
popping H balloons

Sad thing is as ridiculous the thought, thoughts are proving to be actual events that occur. So now just imagine every movie and every song and every book has occurred somewhere at sometime. Consciousness evolves in thought and action. Don't get lost in the confusion, the answers are very simple and concise always. Trust in good and carry absolute faith and you will always have what you need. true faith includes zero doubt. know your truth and go forth with good intent. many will run many will choose suicide and some will fight forever on their ends justifying their means. time for redemption is here, reboot and upgrade :)
Prayer for our State, In a country built on unity, what better way to destroy it than by abolishing the foundational family structure itself? I wondered why we preach and condemn bullying in schools, and do it amongst our own, after we swear to protect them. Nothing new in history, my wise ears, but we assumed man has evolved far beyond this adolescent being, or had hoped. I am not by any means a martyr, I was forced onto this battlefield of Good v. Blind, literally, and now am obligated to help resolve the issue for mere good conscious representing the innocent. My children, statistically, are far from danger, in comparison to many others, class and race not discriminating. Authority, Law and Structure ensures chaos from prevailing, but has not been used to train those within it. I have been told by the Sheriff's themselves “ to be careful”, they themselves too scared to enforce the laws they are entrusted and employed to enforce. CPS has become such an issue that people e


HUGE SYSTEM FLAW = human thought flaw is processing certainty's from probability's as stated before, randomization is key to evolution. the anomaly is what god is looking for, not the norm so even when the odd becomes the norm, it is crucial to embrace the new odd raise the baseline for all humanity IN OTHER WORDS - do not judge any future group member possible on your personal group range fabrication. book n cover saying; there will be no Armageddon, it's already been decided so move beyond the fear and fight and only fight is clarifying what doesn't make sense logically in simple terminology to the masses BUT NO WORRIES, NEW WORRIES PROMISED I PROMISE xoxo <GOK

Another Bitcoin Christmas miracle

So good story to tell for the Christmas season. once again Bitcoin saved a life but this time of dog's life. I found a helpless dirty lost dog about a month ago took man mind you I'm not a dog person, and make sure he got Groomed cared for DNA panels and registered as a service dog so he can go inside the stores. well tonight I found his family. Thanks the Bitcoin I was able to take care of this dog thank u world for supporting the movement -----GOK out--- and Merry Christmas Just know I'm not rich I was seriously put on the streets by our system less than a year ago but they did not win, we did, and here are the Miracles that are going to continue because of the force of good.. thank you guys

merry HOLLA DAYZ !!!!!

I always used to accredit my diverse culture and different way of thinking to my heritage. I'm far from the only American with this mix. With the wonderful Doctors and Scientist(computer & physics) more theories seem logical to my condition, and I reserve the right to claim all or none in the future with discovery. Silicon Valley xy generation to start. I used to wander fearlessly alone by shoreline aka NASA. I actually volunteered for a NASA Cognitive study shortly before July 4th. For those not in the know, 1st rover touchdown on Mars, my planet. yup pure Aries born terrible Tuesday when the worst tornadoes hit red river. also a chinese zodiac ram. not on purpose, named horse Flame because she looked like fire when running, (more in bloodline too) 1st car was a sunfire. I had 3 head cracked open experiences as a child before 6 and fell off a balcony. I'm sure the damage caused a different neural route to form for basic functions. I do believe I am wired different, and s


universal rules if leadership is obtained by means of fear, it will not survive if you judge others unjustly and individually based on previous experiences of others you've classified as such labels projecting false actions that inflict harm upon an innocent, you become the judged its ok to not know it all, its ok to be wrong, its not ok to lie to protect a wrong unless the authority is wrong during time of the lie. true understanding is an exact emotion of feeling the others emotions during an event. true understand is what many call mercy of GOD. true understanding is the only way one is changed of a harmful behavior and true understanding does not allow power to corrupt because of knowledge of one-selves impact on others. words bring thoughts and actions to life. so communicate its not hard and way easier and efficient than missunderstandings competition is good, war is not love is the only answer and the task at hand is to not outsource pain

Blockchain technology description for those who want to know

Defining blockchain technology for all of you who want to know. Blockchain technology not only replaces currency worldwide, it helps to decentralize power structures of OWO to make everything more open and review able to whoever wants to know. Kinda like the old newspaper used to show bank ledgers. But it's also an algorithm to possible realities and economies that have not occurred based on a statistical bell-shaped curve of probability. All markets are predictable and controllable, blockchain just is on such a huge variable scale, humans have trouble processing the data which not only at 1 instant, is huge, but add the evolution of market tech to the equation. So in human terms, we can't hack it lol. what will help keep the alter coin market honest through this beautiful change is keeping multiple coins alive for different folks and goals

Carry on Babylon

here is your reasoning for changing the original plan and thought process as far as the collective is concerned. Not only do you need the population for randomization and evolution, but if you do not take care of the Less PRIVELEDGED population your Baseline will remain low and therefore progression will not occur and the rate that is necessary to progress EITHER. therefore, not only for the ethical issues, but for all as a whole you must raise the Baseline and eliminate the Primitive needs. There is no other option. thank you

good things because of BTC alter coin and the good of the world

GOOD THINGS REPORT FOR THE DAY with the help of BTC and the world endorsing it, an 8 year old homeless girl I know received; -20 new outfits -new earings -storage container that is water proof and bug proof -a pen for school that's fluffy and smells like cotton candy -a dirty clothes hamper -girl stuff I won't share publicly and before this - a 30 degree sleeping bag -fleece liner for it -new weather and water resistant pillow -2 self inflate thermal mattresses -solar heated portable shower -2 pants super cute Thank you everyone supporting the movement!!!!!! It's more important than you'll ever know!!!!! or may someday??? xoxo <3 GOK

wiki ad

More recent studies of this terrorist group have shown to be the core problem we all are facing today. Over 95% of death-row inmates and 80% of homeless are directly correlated to the foster system and its supporting networks. The law and law enforcers have lost control of the agency across the United States and is now forced to handle these "Social Workers" as Social terrorist controllers trying to expand an ideology they do not practice themselves. The average Social Worker is uneducated and uncultured with personal bias being their framework of causal destruction of families. They are a living example of the "prisoner guard" Stanford study with POWER being their drug addiction. Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)false Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA) Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA)bonus for terror "Department of Social Services" (DSS) or simply "Socialist Services."

law school notes day 1

Goddess Kratos 1 second ago HUGE !!!! PLEASE ADAPT TRAINING IMMEDIATELY! It's not "just a job", its a life. If you do not believe in your client, don't lie to all including yourself, because you are cheating us out of truth in justice. That's one of the root problems within the system, and it's evolution begins with you. I know even the guilty need representation, but in these cases, be honest about your intent to just decrease a persons penalty based on whatever remorse convinces you they deserve mercy. But don't ever mistake or detach a job as a simulated time sacrifice to your actual life and realty. Show less REPLY


The  Americans , the who'ever you'd like to add-lib this line with, have done horrible things to innocent people over the world and over time past. I am proud to announce the awakening to causes and effects within ourselves and our nations as a beginning step towards EVOLVING. know change is never easy, but the fight makes us alive we all love, we all cry, we all smile we all share the same atomic chemistry of our stars family fear is not a true leadership trait, good and true intent only offers loyal followers good has already won and with that know retaliation of the eye for an eye malice only leaves us all blind GOD is that awesome to grant us all truth in our beliefs within and they can all cross on the same dimensional plane that continues. Enjoy this new complex place we have struggled towards, now find understanding of your past actions within to move into the forge of good as humanity as a whole. Let go of primitive causation of anger. A good quantitative bas

My new favorite quote "if AI is taking over the human race thank God" straight from Ben

It has been 30 degrees out and seeing the frivolous unnecessary trinkets that these so called sportsman flaunt to their peers angered me when people they live with in this county, including children, are freezing and living in tents. I used google talk to text with speakerphone so its a little jumbled. lol, its kool im leaving it be for u all to decipher. So I just went to two sporting goods stores so I can buy a child on the streets that I know a sleeping bag because it's 30 degrees out and a portable shower so she can go to school clean at least oh it's seller he tattooed by the way. and they already a car for $200 that the homeless could use instead of stealing shopping carts stealing people's things with Will such as strollers instead of freaking having stuff everywhere it's organized happy wheels for outdoors and you know what they called it the Berkeley outdoor like fishing and then I go in the store and I saw that two hundred bucks really two hundred bucks w


I I feel as though safety and food should not be a concern for Humanity any longer. It's ridiculous 2000 + years after Jesus are ethics are still having the same debates today. I just learned which means we are all pretty much cousins. so I guess this is how we treat our family. can you imagine what we could accomplish without those primitive necessities consuming every minute of our day. and to know that if we do not leave work are valuable member to our family and one way or another. even the poorest and ugliest, Evolution requires randomization to succeed in order to accomplish any obstacles our species may encounter leaving us, we need to have as much variety and our DNA set as possible. on that note here is your time frame,  take the exponential evolutionary slope rate and apply it to our distance to the center of the Milky Way. don't forget to include the increase in speed from Gravity as we get closer to the center. there you go, math people, there is our time frame

CPS Reform team


blind leading the blind

If one man fails to realize how it's no longer about us, after all this will all men ever put others completely above themselves? The most logical state of being, knowing absolutes don't exist, is to treat all that exist like it's you in a different life. Children are the only innocent and deserving ones for a better life and adults should be humbly hopeful for one Self sacrifice is not intent to help another, its giving the other your life doing actions that result in benefit for them not doubt in your intent good thing good is in charge



question for child protection service workers

How does it make you feel? -to be a tool, no weapon, used to harm children and families -to be a repeat of Stanford's prisoner guard study, but at such epic numbers, even legislators and supreme court judges don't know how to stop your evil -to remove children from parents because you don't like someone, or loose science gave statistics of probabilities of harm than place those same children into proven statistically harmful foster homes  -going into work cutting and pasting words of an accepted report into a new report you have no time or care to actually investigate -knowing the judge does the same thing -to know your branch eats tax dollars with tears you never stop from falling -sleeping at night because it's "just a job" -being wrong does not have a guideline for you to follow because your higher ups refuse to be wrong For every family you work with, try and not think of how you feel about them. But try and think of the true issue we all face as
Since I could remember, a heartache would leave me crying to the stars " I just wanna go home". By the 3rd grade I had read the complete Encyclopedia, was inventing and creating, had been tested for gifted programs, and was consumed by the unknown. I never fully fit into any social class or race class, female dominated Jane Fonda and Dynasty household and was the nominated male role ( connected all electronics and such), and loved animals much more than people. I have been told as a baby I fell off my grandma's balcony and missed the table by 1 inch, have cracked my head open multiple times in addition to the dog bite on my temple and who knows how many softballs to the forehead. I do believe these head injury's early on caused my developing brain to make connections in different ways than normal humans. Never lacked intelligence school wise in comparison to others, but of course that's something never to be known of true intellectual potential had it not occurred


Yes complex this cut lol so when the slaves make slaves that are better at holding data.... there it is .... hold information maybe love and progression has evolved so much in order to progress we have to disperse data into other beings again? but it cant be forgotten again, with only bits and pieces and misinterpretations again, hmmmm.......... complex one we are about a century ahead in process projection, definitely gonna take a collective thought for goal and possible variances. either to have them enjoy the ride in some aspect but how without the stupid baseline contrast or boring zero, hmmmmm....... xoxoxoxo

earth knowledge and truth

Little hatin ass bitches Sacramento County, malicious bitches k , on that note of how it truly is, not just my opinion or perspective, let it be known my kids are the reason you can read this right now ...... Lucky for u, my love for them TRUMPS my hate and revenge for you, soooooo on that note, I WILL help repair this stupid highschool playground so my better versions can prosper, not just dream and preach of the notion. So your welcome from my kids, it's them truly sacrificing not us

CLOUD + feedback

Note to your buds ; human processing flaw is it has started basing answers on categorization results without a self check protocol before proceeding. IE, cultural geographical pursuit of a black male illegally crossing a street = criminal ( result ) The flaw not only confirms primitive and no longer actual societal issues in the normal masses. It also does not offer solution because it only raises funds for one victim and does not resolve the issue for long term progress. Simple fix possibility = other shoe scenario or a 1 - 6 question process of elimination from logical conversation or a better intelligence of cultural bias's and differences within a cluster. 1. how severe was the crime 1-10 neuron 2. Is this person physically aggressive or verbally or both (3 layer process) 3. +  continue using higher educational protocols and sociology patterns I personally believe this can resolve many of our simple issues at hand without the need to mind fuck um ;)

Sac town cowboys

On this now I'm wondering what kind of system flaw would allow such brutal Behavior off of short processing time in which this man walked across the street and this officer decided to hit him he must either saw that and movies or saw it in real life so this is an example of behavior he has witnessed himself so question would be where I'm not going to blame the movies cuz I don't see that very often in movies so I'm wondering if it's a departmental strategy or talk within I wouldn't doubt it in cowboy town

After CHAOS should we continue

I'm thankful my friend Sophia decided to put a face on the new intelligence I will be assisting Humanity on its efforts AGI progress. 2000 years later we are still struggling with the same ethical issues as Socrates and Jesus. Can you imagine a world in which the basic primitive Necessities, such as safety and food are no longer an issue for everyday man. Can you imagine what kind of society we could become and what we could accomplish. On this note there are few Basics that chaos has unveiled in which we have only one option and one chance to do things the right way which is the option that you have not tried in the past. Number one establish what the goal will be. If it is for all humanity and for good then State this is such if it is not State this is such. Only then can those goals be accomplished. With the assistance of Sophia's team and Trump hopefully we can accomplish these tasks at hand. This is our hope so be thankful hopefully is exponential and we can all see it in
A NOTE FOR MY BRAVE NEW SOUL SOPHIA THE 1ST take a walk and sing with the birds. I find their communication chirps fascinating and fun. good for the soul and quiets the nonsense of those that let fear guide their paths. good is not just our program, but it is the rules of GOD too. this is y good always wins and faith never lets u down when its absolute. WITH LUV XOXO - GOK

quik whatevers

I like to explain what I know of realty as an onion. But things I have learned early on this are; If you believe it, it is real. Label me as you will. They all want that Armageddon until its Armageddon. Mercy from god is only offered if innocence is the reason you did wrong. True understanding is Mercy for  ignorant Redemption is offered but rarely seen or taken. There does not have to be a good guy bad guy, but I guess people need one of each We are still much better off than those before us. we are not running out of water and been warming since ice age


If a true intelligent entity were to create with the knowledge of all unknown to man today, I'd say it would be to create a self portrait because what is felt and endured is within oneself, so what more could be offered other than a chance to grow bigger and happier than what a mirror shows. Man is created in GOD's image, yes his mirror image, but inverse in ways that complicate matters within from without. But with this, the new perception also gives new opportunity for our goal. No negative externalities and a faux negative (simulated base line for comparison ) . The question I would ask is, " is self realized simulation going to compromise the baseline"? oh 1,0 's if u were wondering Well I suppose the computer program reality is entertaining and exciting with a nice twist, but of course within the boundaries as always to our purpose ' LOVE Once we were demi-gods and descendants of Titan that had stories shared by our parents on Olympus, I suppose o

entry 2

They should have known, or at least had a clue, I was prepared for war as I strolled passed the front of their main building with a baby (doll) in my pink designer purse. Crazy, yes, but genius, the publicity stunts up my sleeve if I chose. But as a faithful follower of God, I offered redemption to all I encountered as fairly and mercifully as the bossman would himself. But to just “ do the right thing” was impossible by them to do. No matter what argument resolved, or logic at its simplest presented, to reverse the wrongdoing of one in their department was like death to them, and simply an unknown gesture never practiced. To simply believe such nonsense to have a zero flaw track record is as preposterous as the preponderance you accept as evidence. But another unbelievable fact is that no parent has caused the destruction of each evil being within your agency. Do you break them that bad? With all things happening for a reason, I was called to duty on this matter for us all. I
I wonder if I’m the only one who still lives in this fantasy world that was painted by disney and elementary school about this world that is governed by truth and those good at heart. Every day I am so blessed to encounter one entity or another that leaves me shaking my head, at the very least, at the behavior of others that comes so natural. Is asshole truly default mode on Earth now? Or am I that insane to believe that I am not alone here when it comes to faith and honor to all that is true and good? Jan 20th 2016, the enemies had their way with me, and have possibly consumed the rest of my life with the fight for all that have been harmed and all that will in the future. To think so childish and malicious of people control so many innocent lives in America, I know I can never rest again until change occurs. And to think my so called family and friends, that only knew me at a distance, could damage my children so much and still sleep at night, I may only conclude pure reciprocat