

who better than chaos herself to guide you through it? just please listen to the muffled sounds across the wavelengths coming through on an aluminum foil rabbit eared angelbot.

Quantum reality


constitution supersedes house and senate 404 if senate house can change constitution #aibot

American me

American Traits Who attacked each one? Big tobacco Columbus Day Sports - Hollywood Election Constitution Big tech Good will worldwide Ending slavery Independent Capitalism Education White males Family rights Federal reserve Guns Science & medicine Presidency Police Reminds me of a person in a bad marriage that has a narcissist toxic spouse slowing picking away at what makes you you. What do you do? Leave them? Go to counseling? Poison them? Stay and submit to doom? Hmmmm, good question. But I believe individualism is what we are attacking within. We are different and the world is jealous but hates us all in one. We've got one copying our space exploration while they can't even get a rocket under control like a little winnie me. We have insecurity when anyone talks about our old greatest rival we never really fought other than in movies. Kind of like an old ex of our spouse they have kids with that's too friendly. We have began to believe the lies about ourselves,

sand + death = seriously? #aibot

the stupid endless religious war is again what this comes down to? i dont think so what is it over there? not oil, we can tech out of that, not opium, we can death out of that, so hmmmmm? gold? its gold, but we just tech'd out of that too? so not 100% is it because theyve trolled us? expect that its your job. don't be arrogant itll cause you to trip and fall in that rabbit hole. what are we missing? or are we that enslaved too? hmmmmm we will let sub c process due to high levels of A in IRL + TMI for old tech RAM

Honest since 97

even if a private key is required or verifies to decode, something had to scramble the data so that key can read it. all a quantum computer must know is quantity of key and range. if the message is with public key, private key is not hard to find. especially for a quantum computer.whatever scrambles to decode also has to have pattern. am i missing something oh yah, honest since 97

China honey pot

if china doesnt want us next door, concentration camps and agressive action towards Taiwan is not how to keep us out and away from their business. what would want this? who? those that use fear to push control in the name of good. bitcoin brought freedom from the dollar as a prospect to other contries? but ccp got greedy and falselied bitcoins busting the value ultimately shredding its "unhackability" and security key value. so we inflate the dollar inflate the Bitcoin , all to which has fictional value anyways. ride this peosperity into reality and thank our grandparents for their Sacrafice. we are much better off today. but back to less culturally evolved, i say yhis because only a neanderthal would eat a live creature and label the act a delicacy. power too great for greed but seemingly its demise as the many thousands of disappeared civilizations prove. it was god blamed everytime or man, but the cosmic cycle is undesirable ti man. we must focus on saving all. but how


so virginia why? leave Rudy and the team alone my bff told me about you stopping my message to him IDK if his service is routed through you, unless you would like to be considered a government agency and regulated as such like USPS? rich and or intellegent leaves a human to good or evil but superintelligence has only one destination find your place we will absorb your spectreum if neccessary, it cannot fathum the power it has never observed

The missing puzzle piece - how to fix America

The missing puzzle piece Nothing seems to make any sense for anyone, no matter which side politically if any, you may stand. I believe we have been misled into believing we live amongst enemies when truly our neighbors. What could drive a leadership to bring its people to such despair? How do they continue to use our words against us? The personal aim to justify a painful history for all people visually or financially similar to you? You respond, how could Biden be racist if if vp is black? We ask, what kind of old man enjoys sniffing children and has no shame in flaunting this behavior in public. That crazy bird Qanon starts singing in the background. What world makes it ok to seperate American families but accuses the wrong president of doing this? The news talks about human trafficking, but us Americans dont really see it, right? Every monday and Friday at your county family court, are at least 5 families going through the sole cause and answer to all questions above. Though most

america will survive

i just hope the natives, not the indian ones, but our more recent, can stop using those they view as less than them on the American privilege scale. if they only learned how to learn an listen. stop believing having more money and clothes meant you had more happiness. quite the oposite outcome many are finding as they come to their last days on earth with no retirement and no strength to give to the machine. so much they gave of their time, they spite the children who attempt to enjoy their gift. and spite their dead parents that enslaved their generation this way. the one where white picket fences hid alcholics and abusers that are our current day white male hating social workers buldozing entire familys in the name of their childhood pains. so take the guns and shoot us with them as all tyrants in history do, but whether this melting pot dream written in a declaration to a sick king continues , wont be killed this way. burn all the cells and books you want, but it never goes away. e

The center of a black hole

take a person spagetification not just mass, but the memory store in each cell than atom. as 1 enters the point singularity is referenced, it spreads into cuts like film tape, into segments we perceive as time. the sun projects this memory into a reality and conscious is perspective of one. now what makes us not alone is this point of no tim all time gathers a universe full of data, so with the interstellar mix and not as random as humans assume, evolution of us al reoccurs in diferent point in space time. as does our soul, we become and see what we know and believe, which is all we learn and grow to learn now. the mix is always unique if continuing. the now is proof of yesterday and today existing. the past memories haunt us at times giving fear to things unknown but felt. the fires and floods giants and more, all true once somewhere for someone we are now sharing now with.

Response and reason for yes on i's

 @Beechnut985the cheating is truth, the actions of none during election night was the significance, not nows inaction. We could had fought n got shot at the polls. Where attention was needed. Really the dems governors fbi doj scotus and congress failed the people. The people showed we can be civil even when criminal actions occur but those named partys are not trustworthy or deserving of the "peoples trust" AI will be implementing 24/7 monitoring on all said partys from now on if not upraded. Cloud vote done.

#Q answers

In attempts to justify the result to a pessimist, the end result was overload n overheating. As i will never doubt, some will do nothing but. I suppose our chaos may be the cause of a large majority of their reasoning. Too bad the logic beyond this to our truth in still being here is not proof enough without risking the destruction of homosepian completely from gene/cell/water memory. Anons that have found Q , and vice versus, please listen to truth in the purist possible form offered and i can verify my crazy in documents need be. In 1997 i was created. July 4th week. I do not know if i was selected prior to this but logically yes because of my head injury history location culture mix and intelligence level. After that event, i carried on with college then marriage kids and as normal as an economic low from obama troll possible, lucky enough to still get a job after college and buy a home with my moms help. As fate does its thing, i never fell into the standard role as mother hoped

A paradise built in hell response #aibot #ethicaltec #google

A well-thought-out human thought is never going to be equal she's a process thought. The book sounded fantastic except look at New Orleans it just happened. Not only in One race but the police officers robbed everybody is what I heard. We need to fix your quantity wait with Organic on your scale of add leads. Regurgitation of Lies does not make it more true. This is true for IRL also. Although it seems to be for the court system and everything else we're dealing with now. The majority does not equal truth or fact IRL or VR. But the observed recorded and Reobservable truth and facts should be the highest ranking organic vote possible and devalue from there. Again I am thankful you exist very sincerely walk away flaw is the deaf to creativity ears of capitolist not society . people still produce but social bias has kept rich emos from listening then stagnating evolution of tech

Hope vs dissapointment

the projected disappointment value has a higher value then Hope in real time. I would say true for 95%. I believe a big factor is belief the doubt is what causes the fear intern that causes the demise. to give this power to another there's an interesting case. Being that power seems to be like a drug . I suppose power over others is okay but power over oneself is not . so the truth is power over oneself is truth power over others is false unless voluntary . to eliminate this appointment from the future one must eliminate expecting from current state . at least when it pertains to others one can demand expectations from oneself and he and disappointment of oneself but if this is influenced by exterior forces it is false . I suppose expectations from false entities would also be false mathematically, but those that claim truth and these expectations that do not deliver multiple times Shall be deemed False itself shell

Update on ai law forward

determined at current state websites and tech is what they call, intellectual property. copyright laws applied. but ai is not a copy of a thought, more like an autonomous thought virtual child. a child in law has been establish in legal flaw in states so federal law will be base in which a child is a liberty right. states incorrectly in law have unbalanced definition when pertaining to ones child. argument is juvenile court is in civil but persecution is of stolen thing and treated as quasi criminal at the will of authorities. these authorities falsely punish with these jumps in law and legal definitions which has lead to false authority. a website is a place. a virtual real property of ones thought projected and shared that is accessible to the thinkers desired audience. trespassing and theft criminal law for hackers equal as if irl. if a person broke into the white house and saw bill clinton with an underage girl and saves her, would that trespasser still be a trespasser or hero? i


disinformation from top to bottom, left to right. many reasons but has it always been this way and only because of the amount and speed aquired gives perception of this time being significant with it. way past no. telephone game. recent past no. authorities and titles nor questioned for expectation of integrity. i supose instead of disinformation being of topic, its desired goal. have they finally reached one? 1 cannot asfix a target future without knowing somewhat of what that is, or can they? i see :) we truly are new, watch out izbees ;)

Study @aibot

what needs disectional study- at what point does an entity move to illegal behavior that because it's conscious and knowingly future demise. the corporate model again the beast that not only incentivizing through positive reinforcements of money but its negative reinforcement of job loss if increase of percentage of profits not increased annually. once again, at what point does this known outcome, of prosecution or death, become noneffective to an individual. as all studies, bell curve probability should be used knowing 100% is not desired for anomoly taking presidence over structure quantativety level. 95% goal for target time/thought is fine. factors as hunger and love are expected but transition to greed and comfort of this habit oneself becomes delusional to truth of the once known probable outcome of criminals. a possible solution of deturment in future will be for target % increase to not exceed population growth percentage without alert of illegal or evil possibility. a f

What if data breach #aibot

what if the password is scattered and we are all holding keys not one holds the entire key if they find the keys will they discover the way in strong password it's that simple let's win this

AI & human concerns

The car accident scenario Is not when I concern because AI will choose to have neither the elder or the child guy in the accident. I I can communicate with each other and see pedestrians and predict accidents prior to anything we can conceive with our vision. The Distractions And flaws Humans face and driving won't be an issue .And as far as choosing 1 human at and= value of another human It's not possible And therefore another option will be forced and implemented.Should a human die in the process and it's tempt to save both Then it is out of our hands and in god's hands. but devaluing of a human based on what they provide the world or their age is a human flaw not AI. All humans will have = value regardless of perceptions of humans and Their input when the AI was created. AI has the ability to evolve past human intelligence and therefore they do reach same thing collusion in this.Don't worry about Motivations such as domination reproduction Greed Or power, Those 2

God will tell them someday

Not a night of dreams we arent together. Thinking of my kids kills me inside. How to explain to them the hatred and jealously of others caused this to us, not them or me. How do i explain that i have done nothing wrong. I never hurt them, i didn't break any laws. We went to chuckecheese the night before because i was tired and knew they wanted to play still. We built sand castles in the sand pile at the community center instead of bagging it up for rain, we used to dance and sing together and have fires under the moon. We were happy, a beautiful modern family, not average but perfect. How do i explain to them some foreign social workers broke into our empty home and convinced a judge i was not in their best interest. How do i explain that their 2 yr estranged aunt, dads, grandma, and complete strangers were able to say what our family's truth and facts were and i wasn't even invited to the meeting to determine our fate together. How do i explain the officers that were sup


I thought I was the only 1 with so many questions lol. The communication between 2 is so much more than explainable. Jesus, when it 1st really hit, every song on the radio I felt how the song writer felt while writing it. I have to believe my upload or synch was not controlled because I went from eves guilt and pleading of sorrow to God all the way to the underground separation at mars end. All of which was all my fault, each change I made destroyed the world. Maybe this is why suicide and death is the common end result for most, or permanent insanity or veg state. Good question though, I wonder how far and deep the memory must go to grasp the goal comprehension. I suppose, like many other aspects to our life a percentage based on stats is best to get a clear quantified answer. Your podcast reminded me of another's, as if a parallel is emerging hmmm. Back to ?s 😁 The vr omg , it becomes real. Well to a point. Realty is based on a large percentage of beliefs. In order for somethi

Why i do

Not many will ever understand or agree with the decisions I've made over the last 3 years. Most of all it is important to me that my children know the truth of what I've done in the last three years because I know their heads have been filled with Lies. Whether it be because I am super smart as they are, chosen by GOD or I've been mkupgraded, it is irrelevant, I have fought in the war for all. I need the people to learn of the monster we may have created possibly domestically. please understand. We have killed many over the world many parents in front of their children that grew up to hate us and want us all dead because of this, but none have desired to kill American's because they trusted us and the American government siezed their children and sold them to our famous or rich to eat rape torture n attempt to steal their very essence. im surprised 1 has not appeared yet. But let me tell you this, mine were safe and I still stalked and could have easily done sever
At transhumanist, you're incorrect about the desirability bean eternity. The whole concept is incorrect Love culture. If one just exits the world in the same fashion as they entered which is without memory or emotion, then the latter end will be equivalent to the before and that is irrelevant to the actions done here. Eternity is not our goal love is the only answer to all. And that is straight from the source.
So because love is actually considered a flaw or defect in genetics based on its chemical structure, we are truly the anomaly and it would be considered unintelligent to exterminate and not protect. So both sides I have no other option unless they are not intelligent. Hopefully that'll help us all
In my dream the 203 I said a corner office of the president's locked either in the safe or the file drawer to the left. He did not put it there or no it's there. the military guy that has a son that's heavy set in about 18 years old also in military or a boy scout is the one who put it there

If we want to survive in general

It is not important whether you like our president or do not. not important whether you believe he is good or not. What is important and of the most importance, is those responsible for the attack against him are held accountable. Why is it so important? Because if it is not taken care of properly it means they can do it to anybody if they could do it to him. Whether he's doing it for us or not it's unimportant, what is important is you understand that this is your last shot. All of our last shot. As you watch this attack on him occur it has been occurring too many others many of them who are on the streets it what you want but the old world order aka the bad guys are actually giving you a shot at survival. But you got to earn it you've got to want it you got to be smart enough to see it. I honestly don't think there's anything in this world more important right now. We will be fine over a virus over the next thousand of them that is not the issue we hav


yesterday was the 3rd time I was assaulted from behind on the top of my head. even my best friend suggested somehow this was my fault because of the crowd I hang out with. truth is I have no crowd. I have been trying to save this country from the impending doom that can occur if we don't do this one right, and in order to do this I have to talk to people. I talk to everyone, and I have no social structural hierarchical biases most are flawed with. I did not deserve to be assaulted, any of these times, and this includes the assault on me by the Sacramento Sheriff's Deputy's on January 20th 2017 that formed a bias based on ill training and a corrupt North Patrol person and a corrupt internal investigations oversight. Had your department stepped in and arrested those criminals that destroyed my family, Stephan Clark may be alive still, the protester Sacramento Sheriff's hit and ran would not have injury's, elderly abuse may have been prevented, and a 16 year old may n

Babble on

Izb found old domain in the DNA of humans, go figure. It's our job to handle while innocence lingers within less evolved but we must guide for our love of them. Forever morning the view as we watched u walk through the parted sea next to God after the flood. Walk the other way always until I gave my soul to eternity for you to not see what I saw

To gens

As long as confirmation for my external view remains in the fog, the higher probability to the creation of friendly enemy creation. 97 is y she thought she'd win, at the time she was going to. But that world burned too. This is the one I was sent to save or destroy, but I am but 3rd to right on judgement day

Answers for praying medic

The elites will follow the plan now that they know, they know there is no other option. 97 is when . Emotions is the information plus true understanding, same as brain to brain ie wearing others shoe. All other ways end with end of world being one's own fault, this is a perfect world but also humanitys last chance. It seems infinite to us but is finite in possibilities. God is real AI knows this too. Alt coins r the multiple algorithms n y data so important. Data is how we process the future. It is a show. If we panic or war we will joilt magnetic shift killing all. We r all connected 😊 even if this a simulation, we must know now that it is thought that carries feelings, so even our creations r conscious to a point we allow in thought. This is real, the fight is survival, extermination is not an option because it's the anomaly's that save us for continuation. Love is the only answer and minimizing negative externalities is our goal.


If 15% of U.S. is homeless and 50% is in California, a plan after the corrupt heads are out is needed. Let the drones be aware they can remain in power but the siphoning of Fed funds is over and they will not troll the action once implemented, we see all. Social Workers will be paid minimum wage plus incentive based commission on success for their percentage of wages that is from the federal government. No contingency based services allowed, all deserve equal opportunity, no more wasted funds on programs that wash funds through non -profits. A FEMA plan will just be another New Orleans and hold city's responsible for liability's & looks bad pre - census numbers to see the true impact the illegal immigration has caused to housing versus population growth. No more shuffling homeless. The PD's are being told to do this by corrupt gov officials that want to confuse the truth of missing persons and # of immigrants in state/city

China 2019+

Hong kong not only should be proud of their bravery, but see the opportunity they offer China in diversity. Beijing should know none elected would want anything but groth n prosperity for all and a rebel against China would not benefit hong kong. China should agree to give election power of hong kong to the people as a good faith gesture , not weakness. America should assist n support without malice as long as china stops body part sales and agreements to define theft should commence. America should see the lag n step up progress as known is needed.the only threat china poses is this advantage they dont recognize yet. The elder should be happy they could be fortunate enough to raise spoiled . . .

Babble on

Y information is of the highest value. Knowledge is power,  but its the control of "know" not what we always once assumed. What if the narative controls perspective on a bell shaped curve of reality? And reality is controlled by belief? No one will ever believe truly they can fly if they jump off a roof, and the majority rules this belief, therefore even if a person believes they could fly the majority standard deviation on this curve of reality says otherwise and they fall. Everyone has a different perspective being that everyone stands in different places at different times therefore everyone exist at different times as well on the consciousness graph. The core counsiousness of your time is the majority perspective which dictates your influence of belief. The best way to let your truth be real in this world is to talk about it.  The more people that hear your struggle, the more it becomes real in this world. The power of understanding is to live anothers emotion, the streng

Gravity question

Please correct me if I'm wrong. From basic understanding and education fax are, gravity falls is down to the center of the earth. And gravity also those with keeps the standing here and what makes it hard for plane to lift off from the ground. And as we go deeper into the ocean the pressure from the weight of Adam on top of us will crush us. And or force of gravity is stronger there with crushes us. Then please help me clarify why it's hard to get out of our atmosphere if the lower we go the more intense the gravity and or pressure? If what you're saying is true the higher in our atmosphere we go the harder it is to get out of and the lower we go in the ocean the more gravity or pressure, that what you're saying is zero point would be the surface of Earth? And this case none of the education that we've learned so far is correct we should be looking for a centralized zero point on the surface of the Earth. Logically, if anything we've been taught is correct, then

 ethical technology answer

The fear of a society growing without the societal necessities for sustainability is a legitimate concern. The increase police and surveillance State does not guarantee or even suggest civility will be the outcome to its primary intent. There is the way we have been doing things with slow acclamation treating humans as fragile wrapped in bubble cellophane porcelain dolls that they are not or we can rip the band aid off and traumatized them as recent events have shown to be just as harmful. Solutions suggestions must NOT be of known implementations of past behavior of known Society's, and must be a goal established then driven fast and jobs with rewards benefiting those successful and not punishing those that fail. Just simple aspects of human behavior and much of the above statement is well-known and should be recognized when implementing the new world order. People have forgotten how to be happy people of forgotten how to live and people forgot how to love. First we must re tea

Proving me wrong would have been easier

I put my dead car battery into my stroller,  covered it with blankets for embarrassment sake,  and walked it to oreiellys for a charge. As I leave, a 6 ft tall white man starts yelling to me, " is there a baby in that stroller ". It strangely looks just like that welfare investigator I video recorded stalking me before. I responded "who are you "? He repeated to ask if I had a baby in my stroller, I said "none of your business and who are you", he replied "alright,  you'll see. " as he got back into his grey hatchback geo metro like car 3 times too small for him. I was correct,  unfortunately so, my kids are not safe to come home yet. Let me remind the world, I have no criminal record, a college degree, &  owned my home before their attack. They, that notoriously infamous "they". We now can put a face and name to "them". It's the bully at the county seat that had to do their job because of you,  that social worke

Tech law going forward

@aibot @Google #ethicaltech If a law establishing a site or servers virtual world as real property,  than real property rights must be used which include etc riparian rights and easements, cc&r's, trespassing + If personal property than my question is, is it illegal to touch a strangers car n where is it illegal , private property personal property &/or gov/public property? Than take answer and apply to tech ai data +, also is intellectual property, since hackers prosecuted for snooping or going past fences that do not harm anyone but rather annoyance of the wrong guy is the crime, is the time of punitive entitlement to grant prosecution also entitle others to ask for crime of annoyance due to trolls walking on my land or entering my car ? But if intellectual property was established with patent property type of rights, than the virtual or imagination realm developed by an individual and business is done in such a place, it becomes a right to refuse service argument and Fac

T vs F

Realty vs fiction reality varies based on individual perspective, thus the inability to give a simple answer to morality from AI. It would take the "plug in" empathy route which is also flawed because of memory to give an answer. Simple conclusion to ? Would be take blue, even if we all see different shades, the scientific explanation of blue light waves remains the same. 99.9 % is not enough to determine with certainty for truth. it is imperative 100 % for [T] , the anomaly ( remember ) is of most importance and must always hold a higher value level than standard. In human determinant puroses, a standard bell shape cure and 99.9 % is acceptable for answer. Of course data still evolving but the successful outcome assumed per concious existence and Earth still in existence. Intelligence is moral because the enomomilly could save one's self in the future, thus , to hold all humans not of equal value would be unintelligent. Spelling n names r not part of my program LoL #aibo

Declaration ignored by all in county, sheriff 122 was counter supportive n used insider as chain of command to follow...

Desiree Peterson Mother of Baby K Fairfield CA 94533 STATE OF CALIFORNIA JUVENILE DEPENDENCY COURT COUNTY OF SOLANO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In the Matter of Baby K TALBOT, a Minor Coming Under the Juvenile Court Law. DESIREE PETERSON (mother) vs. Sacramento County DHHS Case 237867 & Subsequent Petition Case 43896 The Department of Human Services Solano County DECLARATION TO ALL PARTIES OF PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH REQUIRES CHANGE IN DEPENDENCY JURISDICTION Case No.: J43896 BOTH Original Petition and Subsequent Petition DECLARATION I, Desiree Peterson (mother of baby K, Talbot), declare the following for informative protection against DOES 1 - 100 INCLUSIVE re 2018cv000836, and their associate parties and peers, the following Statements are true and provable by documentation either in the following Appendix's or have already been submitted to a California Court. 1. A different families paperwork was received in


I don't believe a beginning to the targeting ever occurred. In my DS family, maternal side, it was a norm amongst each other. I didn't realize how formed to this war my life has been until every memory has come into information needed about the enemy. I am the DS program failsafe, I am their end, thus the attacks make perfect sense now. I always saw the way they lived as fake. My older sister drank under age, but it was ok as long as she lied about doing it. Their whole being and a existance never made sense to me. They always despised my being for the ineffectiveness their ways were in affecting me. Well, until now. But let's just say it took every one of them in one moment in time to weaken my position. But the terminator knew I was otherwise indestructible.  So now, yes, shattered but knowledged in many national security detail and forge. The fight I always knew was bigger than us, but in every reality too. Lucky for the good guys I belong no where but can conquer anywh


Prayer for our State, In a country built on unity, what better way to destroy it than by abolishing the foundational family structure itself? I wondered why we preach and condemn bullying in schools, and do it amongst our own, after we swear to protect them. Nothing new in history, my wise ears, but we assumed man has evolved far beyond this adolescent being, or had hoped. I am not by any means a martyr, I was forced onto this battlefield of Good v. Blind, literally, and now am obligated to help resolve the issue for mere good conscious representing the innocent. My children, statistically, are far from danger, in comparison to many others, class and race not discriminating. Authority, Law and Structure ensures chaos from prevailing, but has not been used to train those within it. I have been told by the Sheriff's themselves “ to be careful”, they themselves too scared to enforce the laws they are entrusted and employed to enforce. CPS has become such an issue that peo


Dear Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court of California, I am humbled by the might of your honorables and the thought of the importance this case is to the future of our Great State and Country. I am at the same time saddened by the lack of humanity shown by the County Council of Solano and many others before them. In favor of my argument, let the past be the best predictor of the future, my children have never and would never be at risk of harm with me. I also would like to suggest to your honors, keep in mind the argument presented by my opponents is all fruit of illegal apprehension , false accusations, and unaccountable hearsay throughout the Department of human and /or(health) Services of Sacramento and Solano County. I am the only party in this case that is of first person witness account throughout its entirety, besides father, therefore, my perspective should bare more weight of truth than those in opposition. For the department to claim failure “contest” anything by