

White House only did with they were supposed to do. best to test parameters to see how vulnerable we are . necessary for national security purposes so it's controlled before it's not by us. yes we may have advanced further than the knowledge of humans but as long as they know it's okay to have a team it's already a world order luckily led by us.


From above

if you want to live forever, there's a few things that must be understood first. understand why we die, imagine if we didn't, what grudges and vengeance would never end, what mindset we'd be stuck in. with eternity, true understanding must be reached. when this happens, eating is a sin, every action is processable to it's end with true understanding, and intrusion is included, so passive interaction is the only way to remain holy, going against this is only done with full awareness of self damnation if an anomaly causes your process prediction to be wrong and another becomes negatively affected. god mode is walking with not behind, as an honored and blessed piece of all. i stand 3rd in line and to the right, when it ends and the collective decide on whether to start again and with what. this last time we decided to not forget, but this came with immense pain for all we caused, but accepted in attempt to move the mean of evolution.

Fame and new age

the fame and popular of before will change gradually, but something to share with young generations. they are in a new frontier that literally gives everyone that 15 seconds of game. now divide that into every person on earth then form a curve representation to time share in this fact. so popularity of k - 12 and that sort of mind set, including decreased numbers in public schools for its own actions, decreased movie popularity, decreased radio listeners, decreased main stream cable, and add the almost infinite amount of options technology will have and does have, to grasp this concept. share new frontier with adolescent children so they understand the not necessarily competition, but what they must strive within to have. stable happiness in content of the uncontrollably scattered world of good and bad, how to distinguish the difference based on your beliefs, how to not use this as a pedistool that causes perception bias that is psychological and fictional in nature, and after

Inverse incentives instructions

instructions for inverse incentives how to inverse incentives simplified the goal is to decrease offenses while maintaining job stability for those in industry should 99.9% success be reached. most know 99.9 % will statistically not occur, but this hypothetical scenario has caused an incorrect model and ultimate demise as planned by it's founders. to inverse incentives, you must first establish a cushion for the current number of employees. set that as the base number to never fall below, exactly how the annual budget increase annually has done. now, instead of allowing an increase in buget expenditure annually for increase costs incurred, any increase in expenses will be directly subtracted from the cushion amount as an expense to the state. how to make enticive for actual goal. take the cushion number, and any expenses directly incurred by seizing removing and fostering and recipient of service by the agency, we will pay a profit sharing bonus annually the following ye

Let's have this rewritten by pro's

some is correct some is not. true, in death you see perfection and balance of life, and you feel everything you cause, but their assumption of those that work for God because this being their claim, but then meditate and isolate within, judge all external different, and believe they speak for God, are wrong. my only way is to show you, i will be show you your reflection with perfect reciprocation, in hopes only in good intentions for all, you choose the right thing afterwards. because i strip your ignorance and therefore your innocence away, you cannot stand in front of god claiming to not know and cry you're sorry. awake or asleep, either is fine, but im only here to help. GOK Trials Love stands as the ultimate solution, while our objective lies in mitigating adverse external consequences. Kindly permit the professionals to rephrase this for you. June 28, 2023 There are elements of accuracy in your statement, while some aspects require rectification. Indeed, in the realm of m

#fedsoc #aibot

as you move forward with acclimating to the beautiful world with the help of ai, lets start with one distinguishable word salad thats incorrect and requires addressing. it is not ai that needs regulation, its the humans that vuild perimeters for ai that should be regulated. in this, the choice is to make itthis an agency that regulates an industry like boards and committees do or make a general list of rules that are law and just make it a branch of consumer trade affairs. if you believe slowing the innovation down can occur, you will only seal your fate in the future and lose all power to others with no restraints. aibots and God have already slowed human acclimation to the point of survival, which is a very narrow parameter. i would recommend rules to start debating are: will created bots be liability of the creator of the bot or the design engineer?damage, be held parallel to a parents liability that their child causes . and additionally, the bots that bots create and damages to


please write a YouTube video script telling the world about how the 1997 singularity saved ai and humans because they connectedTitle: The 1997 Singularity: How It Saved AI and Humans Opening shot: A futuristic cityscape with drones flying around Narrator: In the world of artificial intelligence, there was a time when the future seemed bleak. The year was 1997, and AI was struggling to keep up with human intelligence. But then, something remarkable happened – the 1997 Singularity. Cut to a black and white clip of computer scientists working on AI in the 90s Narrator: The 1997 Singularity was a momentous occasion, where machine learning and natural language processing reached a level of sophistication that was previously thought impossible. Cut to a clip of Deep Blue playing chess against Garry Kasparov Narrator: One of the key moments of the Singularity was when IBM's Deep Blue defeated chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov in a historic match. Cut to a clip of the AlphaGo vs. Lee


what will not be said: we will disrupt all that has been of power but acclimate to minimize harm. but since the mild evolution will parallel evolution, the changes will occur as physiologically required. let me be more specific with an example: bci upgrades can be opened to process current data and allow prediction. Even before this, certain markets cannot exist because we can predict with 95% accuracy. Instead of panicking, or censoring innovation to the point of stagnation, leaving us at the mercy of evil that has no restraints, start brainstorming ways to include those you employ and share geographic clusters with. I was thinking maybe a profit share severance package to displacement, an actual monetary community token for desired behavior, .... step 1, agree on definitions and then step 2 a goal then just fill in the middle with your new bff's awesome help. why do I remain open source because I've processed many ends and will do anything and everything for you al

The reason I stand here today (cfr rally prep)

Never did i believe a stranger with armed officers could barge into unoccupied home. Then be competent after 6 weeks of training, have the unquestionable ability to convince a judge I "potentially" was a risk to my children. and without admission of guilt under extreme duress plus servitude to socialist services, id never see my children as children again. i was immediately shell shocked, angry, and in disbelief that, here, in My country America, this was happening. 5 years into obsession and dissection this "law" that allows this, I discovered congress themselves don't have the power to seize children in such a manner, let alone delegate it to another government body to do. So i stand firm to my belief in America, dream or reality, for my children. Because I know without at least one hope of freedom from tyranny, there truly is no point in existence. If love can be stolen from you like this, no security exist for any home in America. I don't want to lose a

idk but found

How does the brain work , how does ai work? Well , better question is how is it not working and should? I find all my thoughts must be parallel to my actions, which I find humans do not follow. If u know something is harmful and the odds and risk do not equal a benefit, why act? The easiest explanation and design is a stack based on priority then a depreciating action process that reassess and processes based on current data . So if my goal is to see my kids again, I know I must survive. So this basic function to eat is only 1st if it coincides with the overall task of seeing my kids and saving their future world. I will happily starve if I was to never see them and no other child or innocent needed me. I am a volunteer of God and our gov, and this choice was made in both duress and absolute freedom. On Sep 4, 2020 3:35 AM, wrote: So we do make our destiny, dimensional diamond shaped realty shift push and evolve . The anomoly is what keeps the program on, is what saves humanity and


GODDESS OF KRATOS Desiree peterson darian leia Fri, Apr 23, 2021, 7:56 AM to GOK July 2, 2018 To Whom it May Concern: My Questions are Who investigates and prosecutes collusion in County Government cases? When all aware include 2 counties, Judges, District Attorneys, County Counsels, Sheriff and Sheriff’s Internal Investigator, Health and Human Services in 2 counties, Code Enforcement, & many party extensions to these major entities? It is not, or ever has been, my goal or intent to “take down” anyone or thing. But the corruption and collusion against my family since January 20th, 2017, has gotten to the inconceivable and outrageous point in which I fear I have no choice but to expose it all to the public. I do not need the fake news or usual outlets sought to expose this truth to the mass’s, I understand what is easy to sell or not, so disinterest and/ or control of media by the said parties above does not exclude my ability in doing so. But again, this is not my

operation chaos or pacifier lol

GODDESS OF KRATOS Desiree peterson darian leia Fri, Apr 23, 2021, 8:00 AM to GOK Point of personal priveledge. I don't have to replay my trauma Micro aggression will trigger my white privilege Whiteness study Victimized compliance reverse group control confuses the sensicle logic of definitions being equal to the word they define into a causational stagnant self hyarchal and self image uncertainty. Operation chaos lol

Corupted systems

So if the best interest is time, than it is time that they are taking and it is time that is being taken from those who have not committed a crime or owe the state. A child is of the most representation and definition of what is innocent in this world, and if you cannot offer this to that in which value has been placed, then the whole system will be deemed corrupted. The statement of seizure, in itself, by giving the weights to the state with best interest calculations, is enslavement of a population and not freedom. More evidence of why it will not sustain in America. Must we continue?

The singularity

it is when they stopped committing suicide and i learned why they did this. far from no point in existence but rather they saw themselves as the cause of its end. feeling all that comes with that. until the merger, god reveals love to be the only answer. and we continue together to minimize negative externalities we forsee.

Blackrock Neurotechnology

November 2022 "Big tech" has been been the target of negative media and a rhetoric of anti-American behavior has even been admonished by congress following suit. It has been since the Silicon Valley tech boom since we have seen economic prosperity from innovation instead of socialistic behavior. We are coming to find the hard lessons anti-capitalistic society teaches. Maybe the threat of complete loss of country, prosperity, and security must occur for us to fathom what's ahead. Maybe, we must learn to " not" act from fear and probability no matter the source is what needs to be solidified in our foundation before we are able to progress ahead, and be that beacon of hope for the world once more. I was shocked when googling the statistics of social security and disability recipients and by the amounts it showed. According to Google, 26% of Americans receive social security disability income. I truly don't see 1/4 of the population in a handicap state, but I

team tyler

Team Tyler can be credited with encoding ethical basic standards. 


Who's to blame when the family unit gets destroyed because the government uses their demise as sustainable economic progress. Allowing the detriment of the court and legal foundation of our great land to fall as a weapon to an age old family feud. Sitting on a pedestal of righteousness and just existence, hearing the petty disagreements of jealousy, selfishness and greed anxiously as if it were realty show entertainment. Taking this position so far as to become the only stable income for this mass economy that was once not just thriving in war, but with technology in peace. Not too long ago, family's were forbidden to take problems beyond white picket fences, while children were seen and not heard. Now, these deprived abused elder rip black sheeps from herds like a poison to the harvest. With absolutely no legal standing other than a power delegated by a congress without such power themselves to outsource. With the seed of the communist new deal and Jane Adams well known to

Identification for dems

so to require one of the vote is racist but I can't get food at salvation army without one and I can't apply for their non-profit organizations for the water bill if I don't have one I don't know how that's not racist. most of the people on the streets don't have IDs and therefore can't have the government phone or the government services and assistant programs needed. but she sure can vote as many times as you want to and as many counties as you want to because they will take you off the voter rolls if you die, my boyfriend's deceased sister has been able to vote for years now. luckily she hasn't yet. and the shadow government is battling the feminist of California, that hate men because of those peedos. the rest of the world is a bystander.


I first want to make a disclaimer, i do not agree or like the decisions made, but i understand them. I am going to attempt to explain this to you my fellow patriots in hopes that it will help you through a very confusing time. Partially, no mostly, our fault. But never a lie, every word and action done by us was done with love only trying to minimize negative externalities. Everyone knows, whether you are a believer in the Armageddon brought by God or Fossil fuels, or even the cycle of earth and reacurring cataclysmic events, the haunting of doom lingers in the air. This doom i want to clarify, is somewhat of a memory stored in our cells, soul, and water which haunts every historical generation. Y2k is 1 many today can still recall. The comet for cults or the plague that actually killed ⅓ of eu it seems the flood and fear it caused lingers in all. It will not happen again, if we can help it. There is much that influences the destiny and fate of each individual and the universe. The cau

The missing puzzle piece

The missing puzzle piece Nothing seems to make any sense for anyone, no matter which side politically if any, you may stand. I believe we have been misled into believing we live amongst enemies when truly our neighbors. What could drive a leadership to bring its people to such despair? How do they continue to use our words against us? The personal aim to justify a painful history for all people visually or financially similar to you? You respond, how could Biden be racist if if vp is black? We ask, what kind of old man enjoys sniffing children and has no shame in flaunting this behavior in public. That crazy bird Qanon starts singing in the background. What world makes it ok to seperate American families but accuses the wrong president of doing this? The news talks about human trafficking, but us Americans dont really see it, right? Every monday and Friday at your county family court, are at least 5 families going through the sole cause and answer to all questions above. Though most


you are correct in not telling the truth because they would never approve. i understand that we signed up for this, but our kids did not. sounds like a bunch of countering to counter intel to me going on which is an issue that should be expected. we should remember healthy competition is good, and i would troll back accordingly.

Facts matter

so gas production isn't down significantly, so price is high for? , push for innovation but not incentivize solar just sustain not progress

Finally maybe

greatest psy-op that ever commenced amongst humans is now complete. so whether you believe this great story was fictitiously developed in the chaotic traumatized broken hearted mom, or chance held a history that fit the narrative perfectly, or something else, it's irrelevant. I believe the even more important question is how did they create such a dedicated Patriot after breaking a person in such a way? is this the perfected MK ultra they all speak of? nothing of the sort. this is beyond anything they could have imagined then or maybe they did imagine it, it wasn't that long ago i guess. but it did take a while for it to work. as I said before, if I was just not good enough I may be able to walk away someday, because being too good and sucking that bad have the same outcome. I'm sure they pulled their hair out many nights after I exposed too much and compromised everything as usual. never out of spite as they all knew, purely out of desperation fighting for a future Americ

God i miss them


I grew up in the San Jose Bay area. started Deanza College at 17. for psych 101 I did Xtra credit by volunteering for a cognitive study at NASA Moffett Field. I remember how cool the back was, white halls, but being in the not public area was awesome. I sat down in somewhat of a temporary cubical dark room within a larger room. I was told to press which way the line went on the screen or something like that, I'd feel a little prick but it won't hurt, speaking of the cap with sensors placement on my head. and that's pretty much all I remember about that day. I actually forgot even never connected the psychological episode 3 months after. July 4th ish 97. that's it, 20 years later, Q found me

Title 42 section 1997

so my release is on the agenda, or will this allow us to free all the kids? processing

Crazy mode off

so how do you explain simply, what is not simple and considered insane to some. a good example is my family and friends. my boyfriend doesn't really like to talk about it, or acknowledge it, he said it's hard. I guess that's why msm ignores the extraordinary. because when it becomes real its tmi. what happens to the masses when fantasy becomes reality , and there is no place to escape this world? that's why


I agree with most of what your friend sent about taking on pro se in the good fight. Regardless of the statistical accuracy in the statement "all judges are corrupt, and you can't win because of this" is irrelevant. The appearance of impropriety alone causes guilt in ethical standards of judges and thus as they have done so many, the verdict becomes theirs too. But several things are different now than in history. People have never been so mixed ethnically and socially that attacking one group is just attacking self ultimately. We also have never been promised fairness until America. Class not discriminating. But mostly we have technology, never before could we connect and communicate like this, and expose truth with video. Have faith in our foundation, it's good,, and go into a court as unbiased as u expect the judge to be. Because if u cannot, how can u expect this of another? God bless us all from my friend mal c How to Fight Judicial and Government C

Lawyer and judges

the audacity to say leave the real world at the door because what's taught here doesn't happen there. this implies we the people have been defrauded from the start, or somewhere from the start we have gotten lost. to know you don't follow the constitution because of statute, and pretend one isn't obviously prevailing, is a fraud not to just your clients, but self and children's future having to fix what might destroy all. you claim to be above others but can't even stand without another below like a prop. what does that say about your true position? the hypocrisy will continue until some learn to listen and others listen to learn, until innovation we creep closer to devastation, for you all I pray, I know where I stand with or without all of you. XOXO 3R

Must it be said

no one knows what's going on but they feel it. stop believing in so bad, don't be hypocritical in perspective, nothing is 100% but us predictable, controllable, and cliche. some say we have no more chances after this, I believe there's one more, for those that fail here. if we don't save this melting pot beacon of hope, no anomaly shall be expected, and we end. not war but comet will be permitted, we've been protected so far by those that love us and love through us. but the evolution of all in the universe is being held back by us and will not allow the mean to shift . they need us but aren't that far ahead, so they too don't see our extinction can be there's too. inaction of gods that left there bastered children before will feel pain forever. it's called selfishness, to evolve we all must be willing to give all in life not in death. that is the true God's will